[GHC] #14320: Brackets change meaning of value-constructor type
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Wed Oct 4 19:04:27 UTC 2017
#14320: Brackets change meaning of value-constructor type
Reporter: nr | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler (Type | Version: 8.2.1
checker) | Keywords: GADT,
Resolution: | existential type
Operating System: Linux | Architecture: x86_64
Type of failure: GHC rejects | (amd64)
valid program | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
Wiki Page: |
Comment (by RyanGlScott):
Just to make sure: your file has the following GADT:
newtype TypedExpToo :: * -> * where
TEBad :: (forall a . (Exp -> (TypedExp a)))
Did you mean for `TEBad`'s return type to actually be `TypedExpToo a`?
(I'll assume the answer is "yes".)
This is another oddity caused by the fact that we validity check GADT
constructor type signatures on source syntax instead of Core. In this
case, the `HsParTy` constructor is throwing a wrench into things.
Supporting this use case doesn't seem like it would be particularly
difficult: we'd just need to have `splitLHsForAllTy` and `splitLHsQualTy`
looks through parentheses:
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs
index b9cd946..1864aa2 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs
@@ -1053,10 +1053,12 @@ splitLHsSigmaTy ty
splitLHsForAllTy :: LHsType pass -> ([LHsTyVarBndr pass], LHsType pass)
splitLHsForAllTy (L _ (HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tvs, hst_body = body }))
= (tvs, body)
+splitLHsForAllTy (L _ (HsParTy t)) = splitLHsForAllTy t
splitLHsForAllTy body
= ([], body)
splitLHsQualTy :: LHsType pass -> (LHsContext pass, LHsType pass)
splitLHsQualTy (L _ (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt, hst_body = body })) =
(ctxt, body)
+splitLHsQualTy (L _ (HsParTy t)) = splitLHsQualTy t
splitLHsQualTy body =
(noLoc [], body)
splitLHsInstDeclTy :: LHsSigType GhcRn
This makes `Badgadt.hs` typecheck (after correcting the return type of
`TEBad`). Do others think this is reasonable?
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/14320#comment:1>
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