[GHC] #14521: Infinite loop at runtime when either : a given function is not marked INLINE, or functions are stored in strict field
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Fri Nov 24 12:10:45 UTC 2017
#14521: Infinite loop at runtime when either : a given function is not marked
INLINE, or functions are stored in strict field
Reporter: OlivierSohn | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.0.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: MacOS X | Architecture:
Type of failure: Incorrect result | Unknown/Multiple
at runtime | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
Wiki Page: |
Description changed by OlivierSohn:
Old description:
> Hello,
> in https://github.com/OlivierSohn/hamazed/issues/1 I describe the
> following issue:
> When compiling on OSX with optimizations (`stack clean && stack build`
> with resolver `lts-9.12` (ghc 8.0.2)), the program loops infinitely (400%
> CPU, and execution is blocked) when an animation is triggered, if the
> function `Animation.animate'` is not inlined.
> The bug is visible at this commit :
> https://github.com/OlivierSohn/hamazed/commit/9f25223ef0502f91cd9633654bdb172f714c3920
> (to reproduce, shoot at a number in the game)
> I originally fixed this behaviour by declaring the function that consumes
> the Animator record INLINE :
> https://github.com/OlivierSohn/hamazed/commit/597619bb14974d2bbacfb284a9e276a7cf2d2f52
> And later, I found that another way to fix the behaviour is to remove the
> strict annotation on the fields of the record "Animator", ie changing
> `
> data Animator a = Animator {
> _animatorPure :: !(Iteration -> (Coords -> Location) -> Tree -> Tree)
> , _animatorIO :: !(Tree -> StepType -> Animation -> (Coords ->
> Location) -> RenderState -> IO (Maybe Animation))
> , _animatorColorFromFrame :: !(Frame -> Color8Code)
> }
> `
> to:
> `
> data Animator a = Animator {
> _animatorPure :: (Iteration -> (Coords -> Location) -> Tree -> Tree)
> , _animatorIO :: (Tree -> StepType -> Animation -> (Coords ->
> Location) -> RenderState -> IO (Maybe Animation))
> , _animatorColorFromFrame :: (Frame -> Color8Code)
> }
> Also, here is my stack version if it matters:
> `
> stack version: `1.3.2, Git revision
> 3f675146590da4f3edf768b89355f798229da2a5 (4395 commits) x86_64
> hpack-0.15.0`
> Could this be a compiler bug?
> The code is available at https://github.com/OlivierSohn/hamazed
> I could try to create another program that reproduces the issue more
> easily (without having to play the game), just let me know if you need
> it.
> Thank you,
> Olivier
New description:
in https://github.com/OlivierSohn/hamazed/issues/1 I describe the
following issue:
When compiling on OSX with optimizations (`stack clean && stack build`
using resolver `lts-9.12` (ghc 8.0.2)), the program loops infinitely (400%
CPU, and execution is blocked) when an animation is triggered in the game.
When compiling without optimizations, there is not this bug.
The bug is visible at this commit :
(to reproduce, shoot at a number in the game)
I originally fixed this behaviour by pragma-declaring INLINE the function
`Animation.animate' (this function consumes an Animator record) :
And later, I found that another way to fix the behaviour is to remove the
strict annotation on the fields of the record "Animator", ie changing
data Animator a = Animator {
_animatorPure :: !(Iteration -> (Coords -> Location) -> Tree -> Tree)
, _animatorIO :: !(Tree -> StepType -> Animation -> (Coords ->
Location) -> RenderState -> IO (Maybe Animation))
, _animatorColorFromFrame :: !(Frame -> Color8Code)
data Animator a = Animator {
_animatorPure :: (Iteration -> (Coords -> Location) -> Tree -> Tree)
, _animatorIO :: (Tree -> StepType -> Animation -> (Coords ->
Location) -> RenderState -> IO (Maybe Animation))
, _animatorColorFromFrame :: (Frame -> Color8Code)
Could this be a compiler bug?
The code is available at https://github.com/OlivierSohn/hamazed
I could try to create another program that reproduces the issue more
easily (without having to play the game), just let me know if you need it.
Also, here is my stack version if it matters:
stack version: `1.3.2, Git revision
3f675146590da4f3edf768b89355f798229da2a5 (4395 commits) x86_64
Thank you,
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/14521#comment:2>
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