[GHC] #14430: lintUnfolding does not allow unfoldings to jump to enclosing join points

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Mon Nov 6 19:08:59 UTC 2017

#14430: lintUnfolding does not allow unfoldings to jump to enclosing join points
           Reporter:  nomeata        |             Owner:  (none)
               Type:  bug            |            Status:  new
           Priority:  normal         |         Milestone:
          Component:  Compiler       |           Version:  8.3
           Keywords:                 |  Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple
       Architecture:                 |   Type of failure:  None/Unknown
  Unknown/Multiple                   |
          Test Case:                 |        Blocked By:
           Blocking:                 |   Related Tickets:
Differential Rev(s):                 |         Wiki Page:
 I am not sure why this does not show up in HEAD but it does show up in my
 loopification branch. It does look like a bug in GHC to me.

 With loopification, I get the following code in the interface of


   withCAStringLen1 ::
     -> (CStringLen -> IO a)
     -> State# RealWorld
     -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
   {- Arity: 3, HasNoCafRefs,
      Strictness: <S,U><C(C(S(SL))),C(C1(U(U,U)))><S,U>,
      Unfolding: (\ @ a
                    (str :: String)
                    (f :: CStringLen -> IO a)
                    (eta :: State# RealWorld) ->
                  case lenAcc @ Char str newCAString2 of wild { I# x ->
                  case newAlignedPinnedByteArray#
                         @ RealWorld
                         eta of ds2 { (#,#) ipv ipv1 ->
                  case unsafeFreezeByteArray#
                         @ RealWorld
                         ipv of ds3 { (#,#) ipv2 ipv3 ->
                  let {
                    ptr :: Addr# = byteArrayContents# ipv3
                  } in
                  let {
                    $j :: State# RealWorld -> () -> (# State# RealWorld, a
                      <join 2> {- Arity: 2, Strictness: <S,U><L,A>, Inline:
                                  Unfolding: InlineRule (2, True, False)
                                             (\ (w :: State# RealWorld) (w1
 :: ()) ->
                                              case (f (Ptr @ CChar ptr,
 wild)) `cast` (N:IO[0] <a>_R)
                                                     w of ds4 { (#,#) ipv4
 ipv5 ->
                                              case touch#
                                                     @ 'UnliftedRep
                                                     @ ByteArray#
                                                     ipv4 of s4 { DEFAULT
                                              (# s4, ipv5 #) } }) -}
                    = \ (w :: State# RealWorld)[OneShot] (w1 ::
 ())[OneShot] ->
                      case (f (Ptr @ CChar ptr, wild)) `cast` (N:IO[0]
                             w of ds4 { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 ->
                      case touch#
                             @ 'UnliftedRep
                             @ ByteArray#
                             ipv4 of s4 { DEFAULT ->
                      (# s4, ipv5 #) } }
                  } in
                  let {
                    go :: [Char]
                          -> Int -> State# RealWorld -> (# State#
 RealWorld, a #)
                      <join 3> {- Arity: 3, Strictness:
                                  Inline: [~],
                                  Unfolding: InlineRule (3, True, False)
                                             (\ (ds :: [Char])[OneShot]
                                                (n :: Int)[OneShot]
                                                (eta1 :: State#
 RealWorld)[OneShot] ->
                                              letrec {
                                                go :: [Char]
                                                      -> Int
                                                      -> State# RealWorld
                                                      -> (# State#
 RealWorld, a #)
                                                  <join 3> {- Arity: 3 -}
                                                = \ (ds1 :: [Char])
                                                    (n1 :: Int)
                                                    (eta2 :: State#
 RealWorld) ->
                                                  case ds1 of wild1 {
                                                    [] -> case n1 of n2 {
 I# ipv4 -> $j eta2 () }
                                                    : c cs
                                                    -> case n1 of wild2 {
 I# i ->
                                                       case c of wild3 { C#
 c# ->
                                                              @ RealWorld
 (ord# c#))
                                                              eta2 of s2 {
                                                       go cs (I# (+# i 1#))
 s2 } } } }
                                              } in
                                              go ds n eta1) -}
                    = \ (ds :: [Char])[OneShot]
                        (n :: Int)[OneShot]
                        (eta1 :: State# RealWorld)[OneShot] ->
                      case n of ww { I# ww1 ->
                      let {
                        exit :: State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a
                          <join 1> {- Arity: 1, Strictness: <S,U> -}
                        = \ (w :: State# RealWorld)[OneShot] ->
                          case (f (Ptr @ CChar ptr, wild)) `cast` (N:IO[0]
                                 w of ds4 { (#,#) ipv4 ipv5 ->
                          case touch#
                                 @ 'UnliftedRep
                                 @ ByteArray#
                                 ipv4 of s4 { DEFAULT ->
                          (# s4, ipv5 #) } }
                      } in
                      letrec {
                        $wgo :: [Char]
                                -> Int# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State#
 RealWorld, a #)
                          <join 3> {- Arity: 3, Strictness:
 <S,1*U><L,U><S,U>, Inline: [0] -}
                        = \ (w :: [Char]) (ww2 :: Int#) (w1 :: State#
 RealWorld) ->
                          case w of wild1 {
                            [] -> exit w1
                            : c cs
                            -> case c of wild2 { C# c# ->
                               case writeInt8OffAddr#
                                      @ RealWorld
                                      (narrow8Int# (ord# c#))
                                      w1 of s2 { DEFAULT ->
                               $wgo cs (+# ww2 1#) s2 } } }
                      } in
                      $wgo ds ww1 eta1 }
                  } in
                  go str newCAString2 ipv2 } } }) -}

 Note how `go` references `j` not only in its RHS, but also in its

 When loading this interface, I get this error:

   HC [stage 1] libraries/base/dist-install/build/System/Posix/Internals.o
 ghc-stage1: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
   (GHC version 8.3.20171101 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
         Iface Lint failure
   In interface for Foreign.C.String
   Unfolding of go_a6h7
     <no location info>: warning:
         In the expression: jump $j_a6gX eta2_a6hS ()
         Invalid occurrence of a join variable: $j_a6gX
         The binder is either not a join point, or not valid here
   go_a6h7 = \ (ds_a6hM [OS=OneShot] :: [Char])
               (n_a6hN [OS=OneShot] :: Int)
               (eta1_a6hO [OS=OneShot] :: State# RealWorld) ->
               joinrec {
                   :: [Char]
                      -> Int -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld,
 a_a6gD #)
                 [LclId[JoinId(3)], Arity=3]
                 go_a6hP (ds1_a6hQ :: [Char])
                         (n1_a6hR :: Int)
                         (eta2_a6hS :: State# RealWorld)
                   = case ds1_a6hQ of wild1_a6hT {
                       [] ->
                         case n1_a6hR of n2_a6hW { I# ipv4_a6hY ->
                         jump $j_a6gX eta2_a6hS ()
                       : c_a6i1 cs_a6i2 ->
                         case n1_a6hR of wild2_a6i4 { I# i_a6i6 ->
                         case c_a6i1 of wild3_a6i8 { C# c#_a6ia ->
                         case writeInt8OffAddr#
                                @ RealWorld ptr_a6gT i_a6i6 (narrow8Int#
 (ord# c#_a6ia)) eta2_a6hS
                         of s2_a6ic
                         { __DEFAULT ->
                         jump go_a6hP cs_a6i2 (I# (+# i_a6i6 1#)) s2_a6ic
                     }; } in
               jump go_a6hP ds_a6hM n_a6hN eta1_a6hO
   Iface expr = \ (ds :: [Char])[OneShot]
                  (n :: Int)[OneShot]
                  (eta1 :: State# RealWorld)[OneShot] ->
                letrec {
                  go :: [Char]
                        -> Int -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld,
 a #)
                    <join 3> {- Arity: 3 -}
                  = \ (ds1 :: [Char]) (n1 :: Int) (eta2 :: State#
 RealWorld) ->
                    case ds1 of wild1 {
                      [] -> case n1 of n2 { I# ipv4 -> $j eta2 () }
                      : c cs
                      -> case n1 of wild2 { I# i ->
                         case c of wild3 { C# c# ->
                         case writeInt8OffAddr#
                                @ RealWorld
                                (narrow8Int# (ord# c#))
                                eta2 of s2 { DEFAULT ->
                         go cs (I# (+# i 1#)) s2 } } } }
                } in
                go ds n eta1
   Call stack:
       CallStack (from HasCallStack):
         callStackDoc, called at compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1147:37 in
         pprPanic, called at compiler/iface/TcIface.hs:1664:33 in

 When reading the code in `tcPragExpr` I see that it lints the unfolding of
 `go` using `lintUnfolding`, which initializes the `LintM` with an empty
 `le_joins`. But when linting `go`, the join `j` is valid, even in the
 unfolding, isn't it?

 Unless of course I just don’t see the problem with the above unfolding,
 and am barking up the wrong tree.

 Anyways, either there is a problem in how we lint the unfoldings, or there
 is a secret invariant that I violated with my patch

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/14430>
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