[GHC] #5889: -fno-prof-count-entries leads to linking errors
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Thu Nov 2 19:16:01 UTC 2017
#5889: -fno-prof-count-entries leads to linking errors
Reporter: akio | Owner: bgamari
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: highest | Milestone: 8.4.1
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Linux | Architecture: x86_64
Type of failure: GHC rejects | (amd64)
valid program | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
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Comment (by bgamari):
Alright, the rest is pretty clear I think:
Note that in the RHS of the simplified `newTyConInstRhs` the ticks should
wrap the two arguments `ww1_suMl` and `ww2_suMm` but don't.
`CoreUtils.mkTick` has the following case for ticks wrapping `Var`s,
mkTick' top rest expr = case expr of
Var x
| notFunction && tickishPlace t == PlaceCostCentre
-> orig_expr
| notFunction && canSplit
-> top $ Tick (mkNoScope t) $ rest expr
-- SCCs can be eliminated on variables provided the variable
-- is not a function. In these cases the SCC makes no difference:
-- the cost of evaluating the variable will be attributed to its
-- definition site. When the variable refers to a function,
-- an SCC annotation on the variable affects the cost-centre stack
-- when the function is called, so we must retain those.
notFunction = not (isFunTy (idType x))
Moreover, `CoreSyn.tickishPlace` is defined thusly,
tickishPlace :: Tickish id -> TickishPlacement
tickishPlace n at ProfNote{}
| profNoteCount n = PlaceRuntime
| otherwise = PlaceCostCentre
This is how the counting and non-counting cases are treated differently.
So in short, in the non-counting case we try to wrap a `Var` expression in
a tick. `mkTick` then notices that such a tick can be dropped and does so.
However, the tick remains in the unfolding. Consequently, when we inline
`newTyConInstRhs` in another module we end up with a reference to a cost
center whose corresponding symbol doesn't exist in the module that is
supposed to define it.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5889#comment:9>
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