[GHC] #13814: Unable to resolve instance for polykinded superclass constraint on associated-type-family.
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Mon Jun 12 23:30:48 UTC 2017
#13814: Unable to resolve instance for polykinded superclass constraint on
Reporter: isovector | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.0.1
Resolution: | Keywords: polykinds,
| type families
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: GHC rejects | Unknown/Multiple
valid program | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
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Comment (by simonpj):
You say you expected
class Back k1 (FrontBack k1 k t) =>
Front k (t :: k) where
But this is jolly odd, becuase the constraint mentions `k1`, which is not
bound in the bit after the `=>`. Would you expect this to be OK?
class C a b => D a where
op1 :: a -> Int -> a
Well no! Think of the data type declaration that arises from class decl:
data D a where
MkD :: C a b => (a->Int->a) -> D a
That `b` can only be existential, which isn't at all what we want.
So perhaps we want this
class Back k1 (FrontBack k1 k t) =>
Front k k1 (t :: k) where
That makes more sense. (What is instead happening today is that the `k1`
is being defaulted to `Any`.)
But that too is problematic. Suppose there was a class-op:
class Back k1 (FrontBack k1 k t) =>
Front k k1 (t :: k) where
type family FrontBack k (t :: k) :: k1
op :: Proxy k t -> Int
Now the type of `op` is rather ambiguous
op :: forall k k1 (t::k). Front k k1 t => Proxy k t -> Int
So nothing fixes `k1, so it'll be difficult to discharge the `Front`
contraint from any givens.
So simply addind kind variables from the superclass constraints isn't
going to work. But defaulting them isn't very good either. Maybe we
should complain about the unresolved kind variables in the class decl?
The real problem is that `Back` is too polymorphic. If it had kind `k ->
k` we'd probably be fine.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13814#comment:3>
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