[GHC] #14031: Linker paths carry substantial N*M overhead when many libaries are used
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Jul 25 22:02:25 UTC 2017
#14031: Linker paths carry substantial N*M overhead when many libaries are used
Reporter: nh2 | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.0.2
Keywords: | Operating System: Unknown/Multiple
Architecture: | Type of failure: Compile-time
Unknown/Multiple | performance bug
Test Case: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Related Tickets:
Differential Rev(s): | Wiki Page:
**"The linker search path problem"**
It's common these days to have 400 (transitive) Hackage dependencies (even
my hobby projects have that many).
When linking, statically or dynamically, GHC passes `-L /path/to/foo/dir`
and `-L HSfoo...` to the linker for each Haskell package `foo`.
That results in `N` many linker search paths (`-L`) and `M` many library
names. That will translate in `N * M` many `stat()` syscalls (file
existence checks) in the linker to check where each file is.
For 400 package dependencies, that translates to 160k `stat()` syscalls.
On my machine (on SSD and hot file system cache in RAM), that takes `0.7
seconds` (measured with `strace -c -w`).
That is a substantial overhead for linking (for example, the executable
with 400 dependencies with which I found this problem can be linked with
`ld.gold` in just 1.5 seconds).
If there is tooling in between GHC and the linker that also parses linker
flags and checks for file existence (for example Nix's `cc-wrapper` and
`ld-wrapper` scripts, or other instrumentation or build system tooling,
which are often not written in compiled languages and thus
[https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/27609 much slower] at stat()ing
than the linker is), then the problem can be easily blown up another 10x.
As a result, you may be waiting a lot longer for your link to finish than
For static linking, this could be resolved by passing the archive files
(`libHSfoo....a`) directly to the linker instead of the `-L`/`-l`
For this we would need to check that passing files directly really have
the same semantics as `-L` and `-l`, but the man pages suggest so (and
I'll check it with the binutils authors).
For dynamic linking, it cannot be fixed this way. It can be fixed at
compile time, but with dynamic linking the same problem exists at run-time
(startup): Here all the `-L`s become `RPATH`s if not installed in a global
location (for example, nix has an `RPATH` for each package), and thus
program startup can take up to those 0.7 seconds I mentioned.
To solve the runtime problem, the only solution seems to be to place the
libraries into the same directory (i.e. to have `M = 1` essentially).
This approach (putting all libs into 1 directory) would also solve it for
the static linking case, with the drawback of this being not compatible
with how cabal sandboxes, stack build and snapshot dirs, nix, Debian and
other distributions deliver and build libraries. And for some of them this
approach goes straight against their nature.
**Detail discussion:**
See below the relevant discussion on #ghc:
nh2: bgamari-: do you know why ghc uses -L and -l for linking
libHS... things instead of passing the .a file directly?
hvr: nh2: btw, fun fact: on IBM AIX, both static and DSOs are
stored in .a archives
bgamari-: nh2, I suspect just since it makes the dynamic and static
linking codepaths consistent
hvr: nh2: and if you use .a for linking, you end up hardwiring the
DSO path into your executable
nh2: bgamari-: I'm looking into whether it would make sense to
change it, at least for the platforms that would support it, because the
(-L * -l) searching that it does currently seems to dominate link times
nh2: cc hvr
hvr: nh2: sounds reasonable; but then you end up with longer CLI
hvr: nh2: it could be a problem for when the tools don't support @
bgamari-: nh2, seriously?
bgamari-: the search is really that long?
bgamari-: nh2, it seems like that's a linker bug
hvr: bgamari-: I guess it depends on how many -L there are
bgamari-: nh2, how many libraries are you linking against?
hvr: bgamari-: as each -L and -l multiply w/ each other requiring
several stat() calls iirc
bgamari-: hvr, yes
hvr: but otoh, I wouldn't expect this to *dominate* linker times
bgamari-: right
bgamari-: hvr, this is the compile-time equivalent to #11587
bgamari-: which I still think we should do
hvr: right
bgamari-: hmm
bgamari-: although comment:9 sort of suggests that this is already the
case for user-installed libraries
***bgamari- forgot about that
hvr: I mean, if you have really *many* -L-paths
hvr: then the quadratic effect becomes probably significant
bgamari-: right
bgamari-: nh2, how many libraries are you linking against?
nh2: bgamari-: I have approximately L=450 and l=350. There is some
notoriously slow tooling "in between" that I'm currently investigating,
namely nix's ld-wrapper, which does does the stat'ing in bash, where
statting that many files easily takes 1 second, but I did a quick test
with `xargs ls -1` on the "$DIR/lib${name}.a" expansion, an that too takes
1 second, so it might not be entirely its fault
hvr: ok, ~400 is quite a bit
bgamari-: sheesh
bgamari-: yes, that is... impressive
geekosaur: next they'll want this to work on macOS >..
geekosaur: >.>
hvr: and then windows!
nh2: even my hobby projects have 300 recursive deps by now
nh2: bgamari-: my strace says that `ls` did the 160k stat()s in 0.7
seconds, which is half of the time that `gold` needs to link my binary
nh2: bgamari-: I have now strace'd `ld` itself, that does it
slightly faster, 0.5 seconds, but this is just because it's my hobby
project and has "only" that many deps; for a real project that'd be 2
seconds just stat()ing
bgamari-: nh2, sheesh
nh2: bgamari-: of course nix's ld wrapper, being written in bash,
does the same thing but at least 5x slower
bgamari-: nh2, do you just add all of Hackage to your build-depends? ;)
bgamari-: nh2, Instead of passing explicit paths I think I would rather
just put all of the archives in LIBDIR
nh2: bgamari-: I blame it on my dependees ;) also, "Haskell has
high-quality libraries and encourages code reuse" comes back at us here
bgamari-: although, admittedly, I haven't really thought through the
consequences of this yet
bgamari-: this does sound like a worthwhile thing to fix though
bgamari-: that is a significant amount of time
nh2: bgamari-: personally I'd WAY prefer explicit args vs env vars
because then I can see them in ps, I can easily replay the specific
command myself to debug it etc
hvr: nh2: not every library on Hackage is "high-quality" ;-)
bgamari-: I had always assumed that our large linking times we due to,
well, the "linking"
bgamari-: not just the stating
bgamari-: nh2, fair enough, but I'd rather not have to add even more
platform-dependent behavior to our interaction with the system toolchain
bgamari-: oh, wait
bgamari-: nh2, I didn't mean to pass via env var
bgamari-: nh2, I just meant pass one -L
bgamari-: nh2, where the static and dynamic libraries can both be
bgamari-: found
nh2: bgamari-: I don't know that, where can I read about that? Is
it a flag?
bgamari-: nh2, -L?
bgamari-: it's just the usual --library-path flag
nh2: bgamari-: I got confused by LIBDIR in caps
bgamari-: ah
bgamari-: right, I should have been more specific
nh2: bgamari-: so what do you mean by that, somehow put all the
libraries into a single dir?
bgamari-: nh2, treat static archives the same way we treat dynamic
bgamari-: which is to place them in, e.g.,
bgamari-: instead of where they are currently,
bgamari-: then you can just pass -L$HOME/.cabal/lib/$ghc_version to ld
bgamari-: and a -l for each library
bgamari-: I think this is probably as much a Cabal change as it is a GHC
nh2: bgamari-: that doesn't seem to go well with approaches that
package separately, like debian, nix, cabal sandboxes and stack work dirs
hvr: which includes new-build
bgamari-: I'm not sure it's fundamentally incompatible
hvr: yeah, but it's a lot of work to change everyone :-)
bgamari-: to take the case of new-build, all that matters AFAIK is that
the packages are registered in separate package dbs
bgamari-: there's nothing stopping you from throwing all of the
libraries into one directory
hvr: bgamari-: well, I kinda exploit that new-build has nicely
self-contained folders
hvr: this makes it easier to atomically move around artifacts
nh2: bgamari-: do you have a dislike for passing them explicitly as
files beyond cross-platform worries? Because I really find explicit
arguments the cleanest, easiest and most debuggable approach
hvr: as I can stage the new artifact, and then move it into place
hvr: atomically
hvr: by simply renaming/moving the folder which contains everyting
bgamari-: nh2, I'm just currently really not sure that passing libraries
by path is really equivalent to passing via -l
hvr: unfortauntely filesytems don't offer many other facilities for
atomic transactions
bgamari-: I would need to run some experiments
nh2: bgamari-: gcc's and ld's man pages suggest that to me, looking
at their respective `-l`; we certainly should double check (or maybe
simpler, ask the linker authors)
bgamari-: if we can really show that the linker treats explicit paths no
differently then I'd be okay with it
nh2: suggests that they are equivalent)
bgamari-: but I'm rather weary
bgamari-: nh2, are you only suggesting this for static libraries?
geekosaur: it's supposed to be equivalent. but shared objects have the
added issue of runtime discoverability (i.e. passing by full path at link
time does not install a full path for runtime access)
geekosaur: except on macos or older aix where it's always a full path)
nh2: bgamari-: no, at least the stat()-taking-time problem is the
same problem for .so's (though I'm using static linking in many places and
would be appreciate an improvement even if limited to static linking)
bgamari-: nh2, the problem is that your approach doesn't help dynamic
linkage at all
bgamari-: since the runtime linker still needs to search N paths
bgamari-: so I would argue that new-build, stack, etc. really should be
putting libraries in the same directory regardless
bgamari-: more work or not
bgamari-: it's the only way to truly solve the problem
mpickering: Wonders if David saw this issue
alanz: mpickering: what are you planning to use the source plugins
nh2: bgamari-: yeah you're right, the start-up cost of the
executable will always be there for dynamic linking, I was purely talking
from the compiler's perspective
bgamari-: nh2, my point was that I would prefer to solve the problem
once and for all
bgamari-: rather than have another sharp edge that we then still need to
bgamari-: given that moving the libraries solves both problems, it feels
like the right solution
mpickering: alanz: haskell-indexer was the plan
nh2: bgamari-: I agree that for dynamic linking that is the only
solution. But I'm not sure there exist a fits-it-all solution across
static and dynamic. At least for my work, I'd prefer to have static libs
that can be anywhere, in nix-style immutable locations, and give up on
dynamic linking (of Haskell libs) to get that. It seems that hvr's
thoughts are going in the same direction on the cabal side, and lots of
build system and OS movements these days seem to converge away from global
shared dirs to dir-prefixes.
nh2: I also suspect that static linking will be even more
attractive now that sensible -split-sections is in place, which can give
smaller code sizes, which .so's can't deliver.
nh2: So I'm not sure that a big shift to the fits-it-all solution
that satisfies dynamic linking needs would be the most practical or used;
it'd certainly be nice to have it for dynamic linking, but I'm not sure
all the downstreams can be forced to do it that way for non-static if it
quite fundamentally dictates how they have to work. If they can, it would
probably take pretty long.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/14031>
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