[GHC] #13207: Performance regressions from removing LNE analysis

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Mon Jan 30 05:48:02 UTC 2017

#13207: Performance regressions from removing LNE analysis
           Reporter:  lukemaurer     |             Owner:  lukemaurer
               Type:  bug            |            Status:  new
           Priority:  normal         |         Milestone:
          Component:  Compiler       |           Version:  8.0.1
           Keywords:  JoinPoints     |  Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple
       Architecture:                 |   Type of failure:  None/Unknown
  Unknown/Multiple                   |
          Test Case:                 |        Blocked By:
           Blocking:                 |   Related Tickets:  12988
Differential Rev(s):                 |         Wiki Page:
 `CoreToStg`'s LNE analysis has been superseded by the occurrence
 analyzer's join-point analysis. However, there are a few cases where the
 occurrence analyzer doesn't find a join point where the old analysis
 would've found an LNE. Known causes include:

 1. The LNE analysis was untyped, which (very) occasionally allows an LNE
 where a join point would've fallen afoul of the polymorphism rule (see
 Note [The polymorphism rule of join points] in `CoreSyn.hs`).
 2. Sometimes a rewrite rule prevents a binding from being christened a
 join point; such a binding would've been found by the LNE analysis (which
 runs after Core Tidy has removed rules from local binders).

 The biggest loss in NoFib is `spectral/cryptarithm2`, which saw a 0.3%
 increase in allocations because a rule prevented detection of a join
 point. Specifically, there's a `go` that gets SpecConstr'd as an `$sgo`.
 All the calls to `$sgo` happen to be tail calls, but some calls to `go`
 aren't, so it's only the rule that keeps `$sgo` from becoming a join

 In summary (adapted from the `cryptarithm2` situation):

 letrec $sgo = \x y z -> ... go {- non-tail call -} ...
        {-# RULE "SPEC go" forall x y z. go ((x,y):z) = $sgo x y z #-}
        go = \xs -> ... go ...
 in ... go ... $sgo a b c {- tail call -} ...

 The only thing keeping `$sgo` from becoming a join point is the rule.
 Possible solutions:

 1. Run the occurrence analyzer after Core Tidy. Seems like the solution
 needing the least code. Problems:
    * Core Tidy turns top-level binders into `GlobalId`s. Would need to
 adapt the occurrence analyzer.
    * Would also need to run the simplifier, or at least `simpleOptPgm`,
 after Core Tidy, so one of those would also have to adapt.
    * Only covers case 2.

 2. Write a new pass that just throws out all the rules from the local
 binders in the module, then run it (and then the simplifier) at the end of
 the Core-to-Core pipeline, just before Core Tidy. (Local rules don't
 appear in ifaces anyway.)
    * Needs a whole new traversal, albeit a very simple one. Though it's
 possible that dropping the rules would lead to other optimizations (`$sgo`
 would end up pre-inlined in the above example), so it might be helpful
    * Also only covers case 2.

 3. Write the LNE analysis as an STG-to-STG pass. Only idea that covers
 both cases.
    * Needs even more code, and duplicative of the occurrence analyzer.

 4. Loosen the join-point invariants somehow. For example, if we could flag
 a rule as applying only to tail calls, that rule could contain a jump in
 its RHS even though its LHS isn't a jump.
    * But this is already problematic in the above example—we also can't
 make `$sgo` a join point so long as it's mutually recursive with `go`,
 which it still is so long as the rule is there. In other words, even if
 the rule doesn't directly keep `$sgo` from being a join point, it's still
 the only thing keeping it from breaking free of `go`'s recursive group,
 which it must do to become a join point.
    * So it doesn't cover case 2 very well and it doesn't cover case 1 at

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13207>
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