[GHC] #13197: Perplexing levity polymorphism issue
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Sat Jan 28 03:39:42 UTC 2017
#13197: Perplexing levity polymorphism issue
Reporter: bgamari | Owner:
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: highest | Milestone: 8.2.1
Component: Compiler (Type | Version: 8.1
checker) |
Resolution: | Keywords: typeable
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: GHC rejects | Unknown/Multiple
valid program | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
Wiki Page: |
Description changed by bgamari:
@@ -2,2 +2,2 @@
- was merged, but sadly it seems the typechecker isn't quite clever enough
- yet (or perhaps I'm the not clever one),
+ (along with Phab:D2038) was merged, but sadly it seems the typechecker
+ isn't quite clever enough yet (or perhaps I'm the not clever one),
New description:
I would have expected this to compile since the levity polymorphism patch
(along with Phab:D2038) was merged, but sadly it seems the typechecker
isn't quite clever enough yet (or perhaps I'm the not clever one),
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, PolyKinds, PatternSynonyms, RankNTypes,
TypeOperators, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
module Test where
import Data.Kind
import GHC.Exts
data TypeRep (a :: k) where
TypeCon :: String -> TypeRep a
TypeApp :: forall k1 k2 (f :: k1 -> k2) (x :: k1). TypeRep f -> TypeRep
x -> TypeRep (f x)
TypeFun :: forall r1 r2 (a :: TYPE r1) (b :: TYPE r2). TypeRep a ->
TypeRep b -> TypeRep (a -> b)
data SomeTypeRep where
SomeTypeRep :: forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> SomeTypeRep
data (a :: k1) :~~: (b :: k2) where
HRefl :: a :~~: a
eqTypeRep :: TypeRep (a :: k1) -> TypeRep (b :: k2) -> Maybe (a :~~: b)
eqTypeRep = undefined
typeRepKind :: forall (k :: *). forall (a :: k). TypeRep a -> TypeRep k
typeRepKind = undefined
toApp :: SomeTypeRep -> SomeTypeRep -> Maybe SomeTypeRep
toApp (SomeTypeRep f) (SomeTypeRep a)
| TypeFun arg res <- typeRepKind f
, Just HRefl <- arg `eqTypeRep` typeRepKind a
= Just $ SomeTypeRep (TypeApp f a)
toApp _ _ = Nothing
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13197#comment:1>
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