[GHC] #12503: Template Haskell regression: GHC erroneously thinks a type variable is also a kind
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Wed Jan 25 16:07:53 UTC 2017
#12503: Template Haskell regression: GHC erroneously thinks a type variable is also
a kind
Reporter: RyanGlScott | Owner: goldfire
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: high | Milestone: 8.2.1
Component: Template Haskell | Version: 8.0.1
Resolution: | Keywords: TypeInType
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: GHC rejects | Unknown/Multiple
valid program | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
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Comment (by RyanGlScott):
I _think_ I know what's happening here. The kind equalities patch changed
`FreeKiTyVars` from this:
type FreeKiTyVars = ([RdrName], [RdrName])
to this:
data FreeKiTyVars = FKTV { fktv_kis :: [Located RdrName]
, _fktv_k_set :: OccSet -- for efficiency,
-- only used internally
, fktv_tys :: [Located RdrName]
, _fktv_t_set :: OccSet
, fktv_all :: [Located RdrName] }
Now `FreeKiTyVars` is using two `OccSets`. (One each for the kind and type
variables extracted so far? That's what I'm guessing, since `Note [Kind
and type-variable binders]` is out of date.)
The problem is that two exact `RdrName`s reified from Template Haskell can
have the same underlying `Unique` but with different `Name`s (see `Note
[Local bindings with Exact Names]`). That is what is shown in comment:7 —
two exact `RdrName`s (`k`) have the same `Unique` (`vESeYM`), but
different `Name`s (`a1lx` and `a1ly`).
But as far as fixing this goes, I am a bit clueless. I suppose we could
add `NameSet`s to `FreeKiTyVars` as well that track only `Exact`
`RdrName`s, and if `lookupLocalRdrEnv` finds a hit for an `RdrName`, we
could use the corresponding `NameSet`. Otherwise, fall back to the
Thoughts, Richard?
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/12503#comment:8>
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