[GHC] #13142: Substitution invariant failure arising from OptCoercion (was: Core simplifier crashes while building stack.)
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Sat Jan 21 23:15:42 UTC 2017
#13142: Substitution invariant failure arising from OptCoercion
Reporter: jeiea | Owner:
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.0.2
Resolution: | Keywords: Determinism
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: Compile-time | Unknown/Multiple
crash or panic | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
Wiki Page: |
Changes (by mpickering):
* keywords: => Determinism
@@ -1,5 +1,315 @@
- I discovered this when building
- [https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/commit/f117ffb034658e3e1c3fea2a88972c685b4558e1
- stack] by stack on windows 10.
- I want to find problem area, but I can't even catch a clue.
+ When built with a debugging compiler, the following snippet fails because
+ of the substitution invariant.
+ {{{
+ {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+ module StoreBug () where
+ import Data.Foldable (foldl')
+ import Data.Proxy
+ import Data.Word
+ import Foreign.Storable (Storable, sizeOf)
+ import GHC.Generics
+ import GHC.Types (Int(..))
+ import GHC.TypeLits
+ newtype Type = VarT Name
+ deriving Generic
+ data Name = Name OccName NameFlavour
+ deriving Generic
+ data NameFlavour
+ = NameS
+ | NameQ ModName
+ | NameU !Int
+ | NameL !Int
+ | NameG PkgName ModName
+ deriving Generic
+ newtype ModName = ModName String
+ deriving Generic
+ newtype PkgName = PkgName String
+ deriving Generic
+ newtype OccName = OccName String
+ deriving Generic
+ instance Store Type
+ instance Store Name
+ instance Store NameFlavour
+ instance Store ModName
+ instance Store OccName
+ instance Store PkgName
+ instance Store Char where
+ {-# INLINE size #-}
+ size = sizeStorableTy "Foreign.Storable.Storable GHC.Types.Char"
+ instance Store Int where
+ {-# INLINE size #-}
+ size = undefined
+ instance Store a => Store [a] where
+ size = sizeSequence
+ {-# INLINE size #-}
+ sizeSequence :: forall a. Store a => Size [a]
+ sizeSequence = VarSize $ \t ->
+ case size :: Size a of
+ ConstSize n -> n * (length t) + sizeOf (undefined :: Int)
+ VarSize f -> foldl' (\acc x -> acc + f x) (sizeOf (undefined ::
+ Int)) t
+ {-# INLINE sizeSequence #-}
+ class Store a where
+ size :: Size a
+ default size :: (Generic a, GStoreSize (Rep a)) => Size a
+ size = genericSize
+ {-# INLINE size #-}
+ data Size a
+ = VarSize (a -> Int)
+ | ConstSize !Int
+ getSizeWith :: Size a -> a -> Int
+ getSizeWith (VarSize f) x = f x
+ getSizeWith (ConstSize n) _ = n
+ {-# INLINE getSizeWith #-}
+ contramapSize :: (a -> b) -> Size b -> Size a
+ contramapSize f (VarSize g) = VarSize (g . f)
+ contramapSize _ (ConstSize n) = ConstSize n
+ {-# INLINE contramapSize #-}
+ combineSizeWith :: forall a b c. (c -> a) -> (c -> b) -> Size a -> Size b
+ -> Size c
+ combineSizeWith toA toB sizeA sizeB =
+ case (sizeA, sizeB) of
+ (VarSize f, VarSize g) -> VarSize (\x -> f (toA x) + g (toB x))
+ (VarSize f, ConstSize m) -> VarSize (\x -> f (toA x) + m)
+ (ConstSize n, VarSize g) -> VarSize (\x -> n + g (toB x))
+ (ConstSize n, ConstSize m) -> ConstSize (n + m)
+ {-# INLINE combineSizeWith #-}
+ sizeStorableTy :: forall a. Storable a => String -> Size a
+ sizeStorableTy ty = ConstSize (sizeOf (error msg :: a))
+ where
+ msg = "In Data.Store.storableSize: " ++ ty ++ "'s sizeOf evaluated its
+ argument."
+ {-# INLINE sizeStorableTy #-}
+ genericSize :: (Generic a, GStoreSize (Rep a)) => Size a
+ genericSize = contramapSize from gsize
+ {-# INLINE genericSize #-}
+ type family SumArity (a :: * -> *) :: Nat where
+ SumArity (C1 c a) = 1
+ SumArity (x :+: y) = SumArity x + SumArity y
+ class GStoreSize f where gsize :: Size (f a)
+ instance GStoreSize f => GStoreSize (M1 i c f) where
+ gsize = contramapSize unM1 gsize
+ {-# INLINE gsize #-}
+ instance Store a => GStoreSize (K1 i a) where
+ gsize = contramapSize unK1 size
+ {-# INLINE gsize #-}
+ instance GStoreSize U1 where
+ gsize = ConstSize 0
+ {-# INLINE gsize #-}
+ instance GStoreSize V1 where
+ gsize = ConstSize 0
+ {-# INLINE gsize #-}
+ instance (GStoreSize a, GStoreSize b) => GStoreSize (a :*: b) where
+ gsize = combineSizeWith (\(x :*: _) -> x) (\(_ :*: y) -> y) gsize
+ gsize
+ {-# INLINE gsize #-}
+ instance (SumArity (a :+: b) <= 255, GStoreSizeSum 0 (a :+: b))
+ => GStoreSize (a :+: b) where
+ gsize = VarSize $ \x -> sizeOf (undefined :: Word8) + gsizeSum x
+ (Proxy :: Proxy 0)
+ {-# INLINE gsize #-}
+ class KnownNat n => GStoreSizeSum (n :: Nat) (f :: * -> *) where gsizeSum
+ :: f a -> Proxy n -> Int
+ instance (GStoreSizeSum n a, GStoreSizeSum (n + SumArity a) b, KnownNat n)
+ => GStoreSizeSum n (a :+: b) where
+ gsizeSum (L1 l) _ = gsizeSum l (Proxy :: Proxy n)
+ gsizeSum (R1 r) _ = gsizeSum r (Proxy :: Proxy (n + SumArity a))
+ {-# INLINE gsizeSum #-}
+ instance (GStoreSize a, KnownNat n) => GStoreSizeSum n (C1 c a) where
+ gsizeSum x _ = getSizeWith gsize x
+ {-# INLINE gsizeSum #-}
+ }}}
+ The assertion failure is
+ {{{
+ $ ~/Software/ghc5/inplace/bin/ghc-stage2 -fforce-recomp -O2 StoreBug.hs
+ [1 of 1] Compiling StoreBug ( StoreBug.hs, StoreBug.o )
+ WARNING: file compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.hs, line 666
+ Simplifier bailing out after 4 iterations [3866, 755, 220, 8]
+ Size = {terms: 1,490, types: 7,176, coercions: 4,808}
+ ghc-stage2: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
+ (GHC version 8.1.20170121 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
+ ASSERT failed!
+ in_scope InScope {wild_00 wild_X25 g1_a33l g2_a33m $cfrom_a47d
+ $cto_a47F $cfrom_a48a $cto_a48C $cfrom_a496 $cto_a4bk
+ $cfrom_a4dA
+ $cto_a4e2 $cfrom_a4ew $cto_a4fb $cfrom_a4fS $cto_a4gk
+ $cp1GStoreSizeSum_a4gV $cgsizeSum_a4gX
+ $cp1GStoreSizeSum_a4hh
+ $cgsizeSum_a4hj $cgsize_a4hV $cgsize_a4ix $csize_a4iU
+ $csize_a4j2
+ $csize_a4jb $csize_a4jj $csize_a4jw $csize_a4jJ
+ $csize_a4jW
+ $csize_a4k9 $csize_a4km $cgsize_a4kD $cgsize_a4kY
+ $cgsize_a4l6
+ $cgsize_a4li $dGStoreSize_a4qQ $dGStoreSize_a4qW
+ $dGStoreSize_a4r2
+ $dGStoreSize_a4r8 $dGStoreSize_a4BJ $dGStoreSize_a4BS
+ ww2_a5CX
+ sizeSequence genericSize $tc'ModName $tcModName
+ $tc'PkgName
+ $tcPkgName $tc'NameS $tc'NameQ $tc'NameU $tc'NameL
+ $tc'NameG
+ $tcNameFlavour $tc'OccName $tcOccName $tc'Name $tcName
+ $tc'VarT
+ $tcType $tc'VarSize $tc'ConstSize $tcSize
+ $tcGStoreSize
+ $tc'C:GStoreSize $fGStoreSize:*: $fGStoreSizeV1
+ $fGStoreSizeU1
+ $fGStoreSizeM1 $tcStore $dmsize $tc'C:Store
+ $fGStoreSizeK1
+ $fStore[] $fStoreInt $fStoreChar $fStorePkgName
+ $fStoreOccName
+ $fStoreModName $fStoreNameFlavour $fStoreName
+ $fStoreType
+ $tcGStoreSizeSum $tc'C:GStoreSizeSum
+ $fGStoreSizeSumnM1
+ $fGStoreSizeSumn:+: $fGStoreSize:+: $fGenericModName
+ $fGenericPkgName $fGenericNameFlavour $fGenericOccName
+ $fGenericName $fGenericType $trModule $cto_s4Pr
+ $cfrom_s4Ps
+ $cfrom_s4Pv $cto_s4Pw $cfrom_s4Px $cfrom_s4PF
+ $cto_s4PG $cfrom_s4PH
+ $cto_s4PI $cfrom_s4PJ $trModule_s50k $trModule_s50l
+ $trModule_s50m
+ $trModule_s50n $tc'ModName_s50o $tc'ModName_s50p
+ $tcModName_s50q
+ $tcModName_s50r $tc'PkgName_s50s $tc'PkgName_s50t
+ $tcPkgName_s50u
+ $tcPkgName_s50v $tc'NameG_s50w $tc'NameG_s50x
+ $tc'NameL_s50y
+ $tc'NameL_s50z $tc'NameU_s50A $tc'NameU_s50B
+ $tc'NameQ_s50C
+ $tc'NameQ_s50D $tc'NameS_s50E $tc'NameS_s50F
+ $tcNameFlavour_s50G
+ $tcNameFlavour_s50H $tc'OccName_s50I $tc'OccName_s50J
+ $tcOccName_s50K $tcOccName_s50L $tc'Name_s50M
+ $tc'Name_s50N
+ $tcName_s50O $tcName_s50P $tc'VarT_s50Q $tc'VarT_s50R
+ $tcType_s50S
+ $tcType_s50T $tc'ConstSize_s50U $tc'ConstSize_s50V
+ $tc'VarSize_s50W
+ $tc'VarSize_s50X $tcSize_s50Y $tcSize_s50Z
+ $tc'C:GStoreSize_s510
+ $tc'C:GStoreSize_s511 $tcGStoreSize_s512
+ $tcGStoreSize_s513
+ $tc'C:Store_s514 $tc'C:Store_s515 $tcStore_s516
+ $tcStore_s517
+ $tc'C:GStoreSizeSum_s518 $tc'C:GStoreSizeSum_s519
+ $tcGStoreSizeSum_s51a $tcGStoreSizeSum_s51b
+ $sgenericSize_s59c
+ $sgenericSize_s59f $sgenericSize_s59i
+ $sgenericSize_s59l
+ $sgenericSize_s59o $sgenericSize_s59r $sgsize_s59B
+ $sgsize_s59D
+ $sgsize_s59F $sgsize_s59H $sgsize_s59J $sgsize_s59L
+ lvl_s5bw
+ lvl_s5bx $csize_s5i3 $dGStoreSize_s5jy
+ $dGStoreSize_s5jM
+ $dGStoreSize_s5k0 $dGStoreSize_s5kc $dGStoreSize_s5lQ
+ $dGStoreSize_s5od $dGStoreSize_s5rC g_s5tx g_s5tA
+ g_s5tD
+ $dGStoreSize_s5u4 g_s5u5 $dGStoreSize_s5uv
+ $dGStoreSize_s5uZ
+ $sgenericSize_s5v0 $csize_s5v2 g_s5vy
+ $sgenericSize_s5vA
+ $csize_s5vF $w$j_s5Wr a_s5Ws ww_s5Ww ww_s5Wx $wg_s5WC
+ $w$dGStoreSize_s5WI $wg_s5WT lvl_s65L lvl_s65M
+ lvl_s65N lvl_s65O
+ lvl_s65P lvl_s65Q lvl_s65R lvl_s65S lvl_s65T lvl_s65U
+ lvl_s65W
+ lvl_s65X lvl_s65Y lvl_s65Z lvl_s660 lvl_s661 lvl_s662
+ lvl_s663
+ lvl_s664 lvl_s665 lvl_s666 lvl_s667 lvl_s66c lvl_s66d
+ lvl_s66e
+ lvl_s66f lvl_s66g lvl_s66h lvl_s66i lvl_s66j lvl_s66k
+ lvl_s66l
+ lvl_s66m lvl_s66n lvl_s66s lvl_s66t lvl_s66u lvl_s66v
+ lvl_s66w
+ lvl_s66x lvl_s66y lvl_s66z lvl_s66A lvl_s66B lvl_s66C
+ lvl_s66D
+ lvl_s66I lvl_s66J lvl_s66K lvl_s66L $s$w$j_s69S
+ $s$w$j_s69T
+ $s$w$j_s69U}
+ tenv []
+ tenvFVs []
+ cenv [s69R :-> sg_s69R]
+ cenvFVs [s69R :-> sg_s69R]
+ tys [R]
+ cos []
+ Call stack:
+ CallStack (from HasCallStack):
+ prettyCurrentCallStack, called at
+ compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1166:58 in ghc:Outputable
+ callStackDoc, called at compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1215:22 in
+ ghc:Outputable
+ assertPprPanic, called at compiler/types/TyCoRep.hs:2078:56 in
+ ghc:TyCoRep
+ checkValidSubst, called at compiler/types/TyCoRep.hs:2111:17 in
+ ghc:TyCoRep
+ substTy, called at compiler/types/OptCoercion.hs:345:12 in
+ ghc:OptCoercion
+ Call stack:
+ CallStack (from HasCallStack):
+ prettyCurrentCallStack, called at
+ compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1166:58 in ghc:Outputable
+ callStackDoc, called at compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1170:37 in
+ ghc:Outputable
+ pprPanic, called at compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1213:5 in
+ ghc:Outputable
+ assertPprPanic, called at compiler/types/TyCoRep.hs:2078:56 in
+ ghc:TyCoRep
+ checkValidSubst, called at compiler/types/TyCoRep.hs:2111:17 in
+ ghc:TyCoRep
+ substTy, called at compiler/types/OptCoercion.hs:345:12 in
+ ghc:OptCoercion
+ }}}
New description:
When built with a debugging compiler, the following snippet fails because
of the substitution invariant.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module StoreBug () where
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Storable (Storable, sizeOf)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.Types (Int(..))
import GHC.TypeLits
newtype Type = VarT Name
deriving Generic
data Name = Name OccName NameFlavour
deriving Generic
data NameFlavour
= NameS
| NameQ ModName
| NameU !Int
| NameL !Int
| NameG PkgName ModName
deriving Generic
newtype ModName = ModName String
deriving Generic
newtype PkgName = PkgName String
deriving Generic
newtype OccName = OccName String
deriving Generic
instance Store Type
instance Store Name
instance Store NameFlavour
instance Store ModName
instance Store OccName
instance Store PkgName
instance Store Char where
{-# INLINE size #-}
size = sizeStorableTy "Foreign.Storable.Storable GHC.Types.Char"
instance Store Int where
{-# INLINE size #-}
size = undefined
instance Store a => Store [a] where
size = sizeSequence
{-# INLINE size #-}
sizeSequence :: forall a. Store a => Size [a]
sizeSequence = VarSize $ \t ->
case size :: Size a of
ConstSize n -> n * (length t) + sizeOf (undefined :: Int)
VarSize f -> foldl' (\acc x -> acc + f x) (sizeOf (undefined ::
Int)) t
{-# INLINE sizeSequence #-}
class Store a where
size :: Size a
default size :: (Generic a, GStoreSize (Rep a)) => Size a
size = genericSize
{-# INLINE size #-}
data Size a
= VarSize (a -> Int)
| ConstSize !Int
getSizeWith :: Size a -> a -> Int
getSizeWith (VarSize f) x = f x
getSizeWith (ConstSize n) _ = n
{-# INLINE getSizeWith #-}
contramapSize :: (a -> b) -> Size b -> Size a
contramapSize f (VarSize g) = VarSize (g . f)
contramapSize _ (ConstSize n) = ConstSize n
{-# INLINE contramapSize #-}
combineSizeWith :: forall a b c. (c -> a) -> (c -> b) -> Size a -> Size b
-> Size c
combineSizeWith toA toB sizeA sizeB =
case (sizeA, sizeB) of
(VarSize f, VarSize g) -> VarSize (\x -> f (toA x) + g (toB x))
(VarSize f, ConstSize m) -> VarSize (\x -> f (toA x) + m)
(ConstSize n, VarSize g) -> VarSize (\x -> n + g (toB x))
(ConstSize n, ConstSize m) -> ConstSize (n + m)
{-# INLINE combineSizeWith #-}
sizeStorableTy :: forall a. Storable a => String -> Size a
sizeStorableTy ty = ConstSize (sizeOf (error msg :: a))
msg = "In Data.Store.storableSize: " ++ ty ++ "'s sizeOf evaluated its
{-# INLINE sizeStorableTy #-}
genericSize :: (Generic a, GStoreSize (Rep a)) => Size a
genericSize = contramapSize from gsize
{-# INLINE genericSize #-}
type family SumArity (a :: * -> *) :: Nat where
SumArity (C1 c a) = 1
SumArity (x :+: y) = SumArity x + SumArity y
class GStoreSize f where gsize :: Size (f a)
instance GStoreSize f => GStoreSize (M1 i c f) where
gsize = contramapSize unM1 gsize
{-# INLINE gsize #-}
instance Store a => GStoreSize (K1 i a) where
gsize = contramapSize unK1 size
{-# INLINE gsize #-}
instance GStoreSize U1 where
gsize = ConstSize 0
{-# INLINE gsize #-}
instance GStoreSize V1 where
gsize = ConstSize 0
{-# INLINE gsize #-}
instance (GStoreSize a, GStoreSize b) => GStoreSize (a :*: b) where
gsize = combineSizeWith (\(x :*: _) -> x) (\(_ :*: y) -> y) gsize
{-# INLINE gsize #-}
instance (SumArity (a :+: b) <= 255, GStoreSizeSum 0 (a :+: b))
=> GStoreSize (a :+: b) where
gsize = VarSize $ \x -> sizeOf (undefined :: Word8) + gsizeSum x
(Proxy :: Proxy 0)
{-# INLINE gsize #-}
class KnownNat n => GStoreSizeSum (n :: Nat) (f :: * -> *) where gsizeSum
:: f a -> Proxy n -> Int
instance (GStoreSizeSum n a, GStoreSizeSum (n + SumArity a) b, KnownNat n)
=> GStoreSizeSum n (a :+: b) where
gsizeSum (L1 l) _ = gsizeSum l (Proxy :: Proxy n)
gsizeSum (R1 r) _ = gsizeSum r (Proxy :: Proxy (n + SumArity a))
{-# INLINE gsizeSum #-}
instance (GStoreSize a, KnownNat n) => GStoreSizeSum n (C1 c a) where
gsizeSum x _ = getSizeWith gsize x
{-# INLINE gsizeSum #-}
The assertion failure is
$ ~/Software/ghc5/inplace/bin/ghc-stage2 -fforce-recomp -O2 StoreBug.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling StoreBug ( StoreBug.hs, StoreBug.o )
WARNING: file compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.hs, line 666
Simplifier bailing out after 4 iterations [3866, 755, 220, 8]
Size = {terms: 1,490, types: 7,176, coercions: 4,808}
ghc-stage2: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
(GHC version 8.1.20170121 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
ASSERT failed!
in_scope InScope {wild_00 wild_X25 g1_a33l g2_a33m $cfrom_a47d
$cto_a47F $cfrom_a48a $cto_a48C $cfrom_a496 $cto_a4bk
$cto_a4e2 $cfrom_a4ew $cto_a4fb $cfrom_a4fS $cto_a4gk
$cp1GStoreSizeSum_a4gV $cgsizeSum_a4gX
$cgsizeSum_a4hj $cgsize_a4hV $cgsize_a4ix $csize_a4iU
$csize_a4jb $csize_a4jj $csize_a4jw $csize_a4jJ
$csize_a4k9 $csize_a4km $cgsize_a4kD $cgsize_a4kY
$cgsize_a4li $dGStoreSize_a4qQ $dGStoreSize_a4qW
$dGStoreSize_a4r8 $dGStoreSize_a4BJ $dGStoreSize_a4BS
sizeSequence genericSize $tc'ModName $tcModName
$tcPkgName $tc'NameS $tc'NameQ $tc'NameU $tc'NameL
$tcNameFlavour $tc'OccName $tcOccName $tc'Name $tcName
$tcType $tc'VarSize $tc'ConstSize $tcSize
$tc'C:GStoreSize $fGStoreSize:*: $fGStoreSizeV1
$fGStoreSizeM1 $tcStore $dmsize $tc'C:Store
$fStore[] $fStoreInt $fStoreChar $fStorePkgName
$fStoreModName $fStoreNameFlavour $fStoreName
$tcGStoreSizeSum $tc'C:GStoreSizeSum
$fGStoreSizeSumn:+: $fGStoreSize:+: $fGenericModName
$fGenericPkgName $fGenericNameFlavour $fGenericOccName
$fGenericName $fGenericType $trModule $cto_s4Pr
$cfrom_s4Pv $cto_s4Pw $cfrom_s4Px $cfrom_s4PF
$cto_s4PG $cfrom_s4PH
$cto_s4PI $cfrom_s4PJ $trModule_s50k $trModule_s50l
$trModule_s50n $tc'ModName_s50o $tc'ModName_s50p
$tcModName_s50r $tc'PkgName_s50s $tc'PkgName_s50t
$tcPkgName_s50v $tc'NameG_s50w $tc'NameG_s50x
$tc'NameL_s50z $tc'NameU_s50A $tc'NameU_s50B
$tc'NameQ_s50D $tc'NameS_s50E $tc'NameS_s50F
$tcNameFlavour_s50H $tc'OccName_s50I $tc'OccName_s50J
$tcOccName_s50K $tcOccName_s50L $tc'Name_s50M
$tcName_s50O $tcName_s50P $tc'VarT_s50Q $tc'VarT_s50R
$tcType_s50T $tc'ConstSize_s50U $tc'ConstSize_s50V
$tc'VarSize_s50X $tcSize_s50Y $tcSize_s50Z
$tc'C:GStoreSize_s511 $tcGStoreSize_s512
$tc'C:Store_s514 $tc'C:Store_s515 $tcStore_s516
$tc'C:GStoreSizeSum_s518 $tc'C:GStoreSizeSum_s519
$tcGStoreSizeSum_s51a $tcGStoreSizeSum_s51b
$sgenericSize_s59f $sgenericSize_s59i
$sgenericSize_s59o $sgenericSize_s59r $sgsize_s59B
$sgsize_s59F $sgsize_s59H $sgsize_s59J $sgsize_s59L
lvl_s5bx $csize_s5i3 $dGStoreSize_s5jy
$dGStoreSize_s5k0 $dGStoreSize_s5kc $dGStoreSize_s5lQ
$dGStoreSize_s5od $dGStoreSize_s5rC g_s5tx g_s5tA
$dGStoreSize_s5u4 g_s5u5 $dGStoreSize_s5uv
$sgenericSize_s5v0 $csize_s5v2 g_s5vy
$csize_s5vF $w$j_s5Wr a_s5Ws ww_s5Ww ww_s5Wx $wg_s5WC
$w$dGStoreSize_s5WI $wg_s5WT lvl_s65L lvl_s65M
lvl_s65N lvl_s65O
lvl_s65P lvl_s65Q lvl_s65R lvl_s65S lvl_s65T lvl_s65U
lvl_s65X lvl_s65Y lvl_s65Z lvl_s660 lvl_s661 lvl_s662
lvl_s664 lvl_s665 lvl_s666 lvl_s667 lvl_s66c lvl_s66d
lvl_s66f lvl_s66g lvl_s66h lvl_s66i lvl_s66j lvl_s66k
lvl_s66m lvl_s66n lvl_s66s lvl_s66t lvl_s66u lvl_s66v
lvl_s66x lvl_s66y lvl_s66z lvl_s66A lvl_s66B lvl_s66C
lvl_s66I lvl_s66J lvl_s66K lvl_s66L $s$w$j_s69S
tenv []
tenvFVs []
cenv [s69R :-> sg_s69R]
cenvFVs [s69R :-> sg_s69R]
tys [R]
cos []
Call stack:
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
prettyCurrentCallStack, called at
compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1166:58 in ghc:Outputable
callStackDoc, called at compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1215:22 in
assertPprPanic, called at compiler/types/TyCoRep.hs:2078:56 in
checkValidSubst, called at compiler/types/TyCoRep.hs:2111:17 in
substTy, called at compiler/types/OptCoercion.hs:345:12 in
Call stack:
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
prettyCurrentCallStack, called at
compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1166:58 in ghc:Outputable
callStackDoc, called at compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1170:37 in
pprPanic, called at compiler/utils/Outputable.hs:1213:5 in
assertPprPanic, called at compiler/types/TyCoRep.hs:2078:56 in
checkValidSubst, called at compiler/types/TyCoRep.hs:2111:17 in
substTy, called at compiler/types/OptCoercion.hs:345:12 in
Wow, great job Ryan once again. It does appear to be a bug but probably a
harmless one, the answer is to try using a normal version of the compiler.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13142#comment:3>
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