[GHC] #13094: Poor register allocation and redundant moves when using `foreign import prim`

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Jan 10 15:32:53 UTC 2017

#13094: Poor register allocation and redundant moves when using `foreign import
        Reporter:  jberryman     |                Owner:
            Type:  bug           |               Status:  new
        Priority:  normal        |            Milestone:
       Component:  Compiler      |              Version:  8.0.1
      Resolution:                |             Keywords:
Operating System:  Linux         |         Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple
 Type of failure:  None/Unknown  |            Test Case:
      Blocked By:                |             Blocking:
 Related Tickets:  #12232        |  Differential Rev(s):
       Wiki Page:                |
Description changed by jberryman:

@@ -153,1 +153,1 @@
- are less easy to sort through, e.g. a random snippet:
+ are less easy to sort through.
@@ -155,45 +155,1 @@
- {{{
-         xorq %rdi,%r8
-         movq %r14,%rdi
-         shrq $32,%rdi
-         shlq $32,%r14
-         orq %rdi,%r14
-         addq %r8,%r14
-         movq %r14,%rdi
-         addq %rsi,%rdi
-         movq %rsi,%r10
-         shrq $51,%r10
-         shlq $13,%rsi
-         orq %r10,%rsi
-         xorq %rdi,%rsi
-         movq %r8,%r10
-         shrq $43,%r10
-         shlq $21,%r8
-         orq %r10,%r8
-         xorq %r14,%r8
-         movq %rax,%r10
-         shrq $32,%r10
-         shlq $32,%rax
-         orq %r10,%rax
-         addq %r8,%rax
-         movq %rax,%r10
- }}}
- Intuitively this is also bad, after all the haskell we're compiling looks
- almost trivially like the good assembly we'd like/expect (although perhaps
- {{{rotl}}} is shaking things up here, as we have to implement it with two
- shifts and an OR):
- {{{#!hs
-     -- in the Identity monad
-  do v0 <- return $ v0 + v1
-     v1 <- return $ rotl v1 13
-     v1 <- return $ v1 `xor` v0
-     v0 <- return $ rotl v0 32
-     v2 <- return $ v2 + v3
-     v3 <- return $ rotl v3 16
-     v3 <- return $ v3 `xor` v2
-     v0 <- return $ v0 + v3
-     v3 <- return $ rotl v3 21
-     v3 <- return $ v3 `xor` v0
- }}}
+ '''EDIT''': extraneous information removed

New description:

 This may well be the same as #12232 but I didn't want to risk hijacking
 that one.

 I've been looking at the dumped asm from a library where I use `foreign
 import prim` to call a simple assembly routine (that may be irrelevant). I
 see many `movq` instructions, and when I traced them by hand many or most
 seemed superfluous saving and restoring of registers.

 Here is a contiguous and mostly self-contained snippet of the assembly,
 with notes. I have four values I'm interested in V0, V1, V2, V3 which I
 started tracing at the note "registers good for sipRound_s_x2 at this

 Below I specifically follow V3 through the assmebly, marking lines with
 {{{"*** V3 ***"}}}, and the moves don't seem sensible to my (untrained)

         movq %r9,%rbx
         movq %rax,%r9
         movq %r8,%rax     ;               *** V3  ***
         movq %rbx,%r8
         movq %rdi,%rbx
         movq %rax,%rdi    ;               *** V3 (back to rdi!) ***
         movq %rsi,%rax
         movq %rbx,%rsi
         movq %r14,%rbx
         movq %rax,%r14
         movq %rcx,16(%rbp)
         addq $16,%rbp
         jmp *8(%rbp)
 .align 8
         .quad   836
         .quad   32
         movq 16(%rbp),%rax
         movq $8,16(%rbp)
         movq 24(%rbp),%rcx
         incq %rcx
         movq %rcx,24(%rbp)
         movq 32(%rbp),%rdx
         incq %rdx
         movq %rdx,32(%rbp)
         xorq 8(%rbp),%rbx
         addq $16,%rbp
         movl $8,%r8d
         xorl %r9d,%r9d
         movq %rax,64(%rsp)
         movq %r8,%rax
 ; --- registers good for sipRound_s_x2 at this point ------
         movq %rdi,%r8   ; moving V3 *OUT* of rdi         *** V3 ***
         movq %rsi,%rdi  ; moving V2 *OUT* of rdi
         movq %r14,%rsi  ; moving V1 *OUT* of r14
         movq %rbx,%r14  ; moving V0 *OUT* of rbx
         movq 64(%rsp),%rbx
 _c7My:              ; (NOTE: there are a few jumps to here from other
 sections not included here)
         cmpq 24(%rbx),%rdx
         je _c7Ns
         movq 16(%rbx),%r10
         movzbl (%r10,%rdx,1),%r10d
         cmpq $1,%rax
         jne _c7N9
         movq $block_info,-16(%rbp)
         shlq $8,%r9
         orq %r10,%r9
 ;----- at this point (name: register): V0: r14, V1: rsi, V2: rdi, V3: r8
         movq %rdi,%rax ; save rdi, trying to be rsi
         movq %r8,%rdi  ; prepared rdi(V3)                  *** V3 ***
         xorq %r9,%rdi
         movq %rsi,%rcx
         movq %rax,%rsi ; prepared rsi(V2)
         movq %r14,%rax
         movq %rcx,%r14 ; prepared r14(V1)
         movq %rbx,%rcx
         movq %rax,%rbx ; prepared rbx(V0)
         movq %r9,-8(%rbp)
         movq %rcx,(%rbp)
         addq $-16,%rbp
         jmp sipRound_s_x2
 .align 8
         .quad   1733
         .quad   32
         movq 24(%rbp),%rax
         movq $7,24(%rbp)
         movq 32(%rbp),%rcx
         incq %rcx
         movq %rcx,32(%rbp)
         movq 40(%rbp),%rdx
         incq %rdx
         movq %rdx,40(%rbp)
         movq 16(%rbp),%r8
         xorq 8(%rbp),%rbx
         addq $24,%rbp
         movl $7,%r9d
         movq %rax,64(%rsp)
         movq %r9,%rax
         movq %r8,%r9
         movq %rdi,%r8
         movq %rsi,%rdi
         movq %r14,%rsi
         movq %rbx,%r14
         movq 64(%rsp),%rbx
         jmp _c7My
         cmpq $1,%rax
         jbe _c7N3
         decq %rax
         movq %rax,(%rbp)
         incq %rcx
         movq %rcx,8(%rbp)
         incq %rdx
         movq %rdx,16(%rbp)
         shlq $8,%r9
         orq %r10,%r9
         jmp _c7My
         movq $block_info,-24(%rbp)
         movq %rdi,%rax
         movq %r8,%rdi   ;                   *** V3 (back to rdi!) ***
         xorq %r9,%rdi
         movq %rsi,%rcx
         movq %rax,%rsi
         movq %r14,%rax
         movq %rcx,%r14
         movq %rbx,%rcx
         movq %rax,%rbx
         movq %r9,-16(%rbp)
         movq %r10,-8(%rbp)
         movq %rcx,(%rbp)
         addq $-24,%rbp
         jmp sipRound_s_x2
         .size $whashRemainingBytes_info, .-$whashRemainingBytes_info


 This is my first time looking closely at assembly, so maybe this is normal
 or no big deal performance-wise (I haven't gotten around to trying to
 correlate number of moves with performance of my variations yet), or I'm
 missing something obvious. I wasn't able to make sense of an objdump-ed
 version of the llvm-compiled program. The code for the version where the
 same {{{sipRound}}} stuff is implemented in normal haskell also has a lot
 of moves (even more in fact), but they seem interspersed throughout and
 are less easy to sort through.

 '''EDIT''': extraneous information removed

 You can check out the branch here, which I'll keep  at 838b27a:


 You can build and observe the assembly with:

 $ cabal configure -fdev --enable-benchmarks   && cabal build  core
 $ gvim ./dist/build/core/core-tmp/core.dump-asm


Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13094#comment:2>
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