[GHC] #13099: recompilation can fail to recheck type family instance consistency

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Jan 10 12:27:14 UTC 2017

#13099: recompilation can fail to recheck type family instance consistency
           Reporter:  rwbarton       |             Owner:
               Type:  bug            |            Status:  new
           Priority:  normal         |         Milestone:
          Component:  Compiler       |           Version:  8.1
           Keywords:                 |  Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple
       Architecture:                 |   Type of failure:  None/Unknown
  Unknown/Multiple                   |
          Test Case:                 |        Blocked By:
           Blocking:                 |   Related Tickets:
Differential Rev(s):                 |         Wiki Page:
 Suppose I have two modules `I1` and `I2` that define instances for the
 same type family and I have a module `M` consisting solely of
 module M where
 import I1
 import I2
 When GHC compiles `M` it checks that the type family instances of `I1` are
 consistent with those from `I2`. Then it writes out `M.hi` which is
 treated as a certificate that the type family instances of `I1` and `I2`
 are compatible:
 How do we know which pairs of modules have already been checked?  Any pair
 modules where both modules occur in the `HscTypes.dep_finsts' set (of the
 `HscTypes.Dependencies') of one of our directly imported modules must have
 already been checked.  Everything else, we check now.  (So that we can be
 certain that the modules in our `HscTypes.dep_finsts' are consistent.)
 That means in particular that another module that imports `M` doesn't have
 to check family instance consistency between `I1` and `I2`. (Imagine `I1`
 and `I2` are two internal modules of a library and `M` is its top-level
 interface that just re-exports things.)

 Now suppose I edit `I2` in a way that makes its type family instances no
 longer consistent with those of `I1`, then recompile `I2` and then `M` in
 one-shot mode. Since `M` did not really use anything from `I2`, ghc
 concludes that recompilation of `M` is not required. But now the `M.hi`
 file is incorrect as a certificate that `I1` and `I2` have consistent
 instances and a consumer of `M` would be able to see the inconsistency
 even if it uses parts of `I1` and `I2` that changed.

 Two possible ways to address this:

 1. Since `M.hi` represents a certificate of consistency between `I1` and
 `I2`, `M` should be considered to "use" the family instances so that it is
 recompiled when the instances change.

 2. When determining which pairs of modules we don't need to check for
 consistency in FamInst, we take some interface hash into account to make
 sure that the versions of (in this case) `I1` and `I2` that were checked
 for consistency when we compiled `M` are the same ones that we are
 importing in our client of `M`.

 I think we might want both of these, but especially the second one. This
 might ideally involve adding a "type family instances hash" to the
 interface file if it doesn't already exist.

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13099>
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