[GHC] #14558: Unable to parse integer-gmp's Cabal file
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Sat Dec 9 21:37:47 UTC 2017
#14558: Unable to parse integer-gmp's Cabal file
Reporter: taylorfausak | Owner: hvr
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Core Libraries | Version: 8.2.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
| Unknown/Multiple
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
Wiki Page: |
Comment (by svenpanne):
Replying to [comment:28 Phyx-]:
> It was announced, about 3 months ago,
> along with the future intention of this syntax and how it differs from
the strong bounded versions: [...]
Hmmm, this is still confusing: On the one hand it is said
packages.html?highlight=caret#pkg-field-build-depends) that the new syntax
is ''exactly'' equivalent to the old syntax using `>=` and `<`. OTOH,
http://coldwa.st/e/blog/2017-09-09-Cabal-2-0.html states that it has
different semantics.
Furthermore, I still don't get the difference between the new `^>=`
operator and leaving out the upper bound completely. Surely the latter
can't really mean "I promise I work with every following version", in the
absence of clairvoyant abilities this would be a lie. So using only `>=`
without an upper bound seems to be equivalent to the new operator, I fail
to see another sensible interpretation.
> [...] It was designed and approved in public
https://github.com/haskell/cabal/pull/3705 it was publicly posted on
> And the migration plan was outlined
Perhaps I'm getting a little bit old, but I consider neither reddit nor
twitter as a source of serious information. Nothing was posted on the
haskell, haskell-cafe or ghc-dev mailing lists about it. The only thing I
was able to find was a Haskell Weekly issue pointing to the blog, having
the feature buried in the middle of a multi-page item list, which is a bit
indirect IMHO.
> Could it be that perhaps a lot of people here don't read Cabal release
information? Or follow Cabal development? [...]
Serious non-aggressive question: As a developer using ''only'' stack, why
should I read the Cabal release information or even follow Cabal
development? Note that I am not hostile towards the project or something
like that, it's just that I am not interested in it anymore because stack
is a much better fit for my work. My expectation from a library developer
POV would be some explicit hint about changes in the ecosystem, not about
changes in some tool I don't use.
> [...] The fact is, the change was not done in secret, the feature not
developed in secret. The change was communicated well ahead of time and on
channels that lots of you frequent.
As mentioned above, I think it would have been great if this had been
posted on one of the Haskell mailing lists, which I still consider ''the''
channel to get information from. Not everybody has the time and energy to
read all those various (and most of the time uninformative and time
sucking) communication channels which beg for your attention... :-/
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/14558#comment:31>
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