[GHC] #13536: Program which terminates instantly in GHC 8.0.2 runs for minutes with 8.2.1
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Thu Apr 6 20:59:54 UTC 2017
#13536: Program which terminates instantly in GHC 8.0.2 runs for minutes with 8.2.1
Reporter: RyanGlScott | Owner: (none)
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: highest | Milestone: 8.2.1
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: Runtime | Unknown/Multiple
performance bug | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
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Wiki Page: |
Comment (by simonpj):
OK, I've had a bit of a look. First, if we'd done this:
case eta_s5Di of wild1 {
(,) a b -> (,) a b
case eta_s5Di of wild1 {
(,) a b -> wild1
we'd have been fine. Because `eta_s5Di` points to a single-entry thunk
(as comment:9 so accurately points out) the thunk won't be updated. But
`wild1` will be bound to the heap-allocated pair returned from evaluating
`eta_s5Di`, not to the `eta_s5Di` thunk, so all would be well. In fact
it's ''better'' even if `eta_s5Di` is updated, because if we use
`eta_s5Di` in the case alternative we have to save it across the eval,
whereas if we use `wild1` we just use the returned pair directly. Better
all round.
So why are we using `eta_s5Di`? Because of this code:
cse_bndr | StgApp trivial_scrut [] <- scrut' = trivial_scrut
-- See Note [Trivial case scrutinee]
| otherwise = bndr'
The reason for this is explained in the Note, but means that we use
`eta_s5Di` instead of `wild1`, with exponentially worse cost! This is
very bad.
'''Short term fix''' (Reid): just say
cse_bndr = bndr'
and it'll all work fine.
'''One side point'''. Binders in STG have occurrence info attached, and
`wild1` is marked as dead. If we use it, it'll suddenly become un-dead;
it'd make me uneasy to have lying occurrence info. (Apart from anything
else, the pretty printer doesn't print a dead binder, which is confusing
if it is then mentioned.) Why do we need occurrence info on binders?
Search for `isDeadBinder` in `codeGen`. However, I don't think it ever
matters for ''case binders'', so we could safely drop occurrence info for
them algoteher.
Back to the main point. Why do we need that special case in `cse_bndr`?
Reason: consider
case x of r1
Just a -> case a of r2
Just b -> let v = Just b
in Just v
We want ultimately to get
case x of r1
Just a -> case a of r2
Just b -> r1
What actually happens is this. Suppose we didn't have the special case,
and always used `bndr'` (as in "Short term fix" above). Then
* In the `Just a ->` alternative, we'd extend `ce_conAppMap` with
ce_conAppMap = Just a :-> r1
* Now in the `Just b ->` alternative, we further extend it thus
ce_conAppMap = Just a :-> r1
Just b :-> r2
* Now when we see `let v = Just b`, we'll add the substitution `v :-> r2`,
and drop the let-binding (good).
* But now when we see the `Just v` we'll substitute to get `Just r2`. But
alas! There is no entry `Just r2 :-> r1` in the `ce_conAppMap`, only
`Just a :-> r`. (Of course, `a` and `r2` are synonymous here.)
So that's the problem that `Note [Trivial case scrutinee]` is supposed to
fix. With the `cse_bndr` fix, the `ce_conAppMap` looks like
ce_conAppMap = Just a :-> x
Just b :-> a
And now we'll end up with
case x of r1
Just a -> case a of r2
Just b -> x
which does collapse the nested allocation, but at the expense of
introducing the exponential performance bug.
But it's so unnecesary! All we need do is to use `r1` instad of `x` in
the final result and all will be well. The crucial point is this '''we
must only add extra references to variables (like `r1` and `r2`) bound to
data constructors, not to variables (like `x`, `a`, and `b`) bound to
How can we get the best of both worlds? Here's my idea
* '''Ensure that the range of `ce_conAppMap` mentions only variables bound
to constructors'''; so do NOT do the `cse_bndr` fix above.
* Instead, add a `ce_bndrMap` that maps a case-binder to the scrutinee.
Thus, in our example
ce_bndrMap = r1 :-> x
r2 :-> a
* Now, just before looking up in the `ce_conAppMap`, apply the
`ce_bndrMap` to the thing you are looking up. So just before looking up
`Just r2`, apply the `ce_bndrMap` to get `Just a` and look ''that'' up.
Do not do anything else with the result of applying the `ce_bndrMap`...
it's just used to transform a key before looking it up in `ce_conAppMap`.
Now, do we really need THREE maps in `CseEnv`? No: it is easy to combine
`ce_renaming` and `ce_subst`, which is what we do in `CSE.hs`.
Finally, a bug in the comments. Here:
, ce_subst :: IdEnv OutId
-- ^ This substitution contains CSE-specific entries. The domain
-- OutIds, so ce_renaming has to be applied first.
-- It has an entry x ↦ y when a let-binding `let x = Con y` is
-- removed because `let y = Con z` is in scope.
In the second-last line, that `Con y` should be `Con z`.
'''Joachim''': would you like to work on this?
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13536#comment:12>
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