[GHC] #12780: Calling "do nothing" type checker plugin affects type checking when it shouldn't
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Sat Oct 29 06:50:43 UTC 2016
#12780: Calling "do nothing" type checker plugin affects type checking when it
Reporter: clinton | Owner:
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: GHC rejects | Unknown/Multiple
valid program | Test Case:
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Description changed by clinton:
@@ -101,2 +101,36 @@
- But I'm unsure why this should be necessary, and I certainly don't think
- this should only be necessary if one calls a type checker plugin.
+ In addition, either of the following two solutions will get the code to
+ compile:
+ 1. Replacing the reference to `IsF p t` in the class signature with `t ~ F
+ p` like so:
+ {{{#!hs
+ -- f :: (IsF p t) => t
+ f :: (t ~ F p) => t
+ }}}
+ 2. Alternatively, expanding out `IsF p t` in the signature of `g` as
+ follows:
+ {{{#!hs
+ --g :: (IsF p t) => t
+ g :: (C p, t ~ F p) => t
+ }}}
+ Note that is we remove the class `C` entirely (making `f` an ordinary
+ function) the bug disappears, but if instead replace the class with a
+ constraint `C` like so:
+ {{{#!hs
+ type family C t :: Constraint
+ }}}
+ the bug still appears.
+ So it seems this bug needs four things to all occur for it to appear:
+ 1. A type constraint synonym in the calling code.
+ 2. A type constraint synonym in the called code.
+ 3. The type constraint synonym to contain a class constraint, or at least
+ a non-equality one.
+ 4. A type checking plugin to be called.
@@ -120,1 +154,2 @@
- affects ordinary type checking. I don't think this should happen.
+ affects ordinary type checking in particular circumstances. I don't think
+ this should happen.
New description:
The following has been compiled against ghc version 8.1.20161022, my
apologies if this bug has already been fixed.
The following program compiles fine:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
main :: IO ()
main = return ()
type family F p = t | t -> p
type IsF p t = (C p, t ~ F p)
class C p where
f :: (IsF p t) => t
f = undefined
g :: (IsF p t) => t
g = f
But if we define a "do nothing" type checker plugin like so:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -dynamic-too #-}
module MyPlugin (plugin) where
import Plugins (
defaultPlugin, tcPlugin
import TcRnTypes (
TcPlugin(TcPlugin), tcPluginInit, tcPluginSolve, tcPluginStop,
TcPluginResult(TcPluginContradiction, TcPluginOk)
plugin :: Plugin
plugin = defaultPlugin { tcPlugin = const (Just myPlugin) }
myPlugin :: TcPlugin
myPlugin =
tcPluginInit = return (),
tcPluginSolve = const solver,
tcPluginStop = const (return ())
solver :: TcPluginSolver
solver _ _ _ = return $ TcPluginOk [] []
And call it from our original source file by adding:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin MyPlugin #-}
We get the following error:
pluginbug.hs:18:5: error:
• Could not deduce (C p0, t ~ F p0) arising from a use of ‘f’
from the context: IsF p t
bound by the type signature for:
g :: IsF p t => t
at pluginbug.hs:17:1-19
The type variable ‘p0’ is ambiguous
Relevant bindings include g :: t (bound at pluginbug.hs:18:1)
• In the expression: f
In an equation for ‘g’: g = f
Note that not just calling my "do nothing" type checking plugin does this,
to be sure, instead I called `ghc-typelits-natnormalise` like so:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-}
And the same error results.
One solution is to remove `(C p)` from the `IsF` type declaration, and
instead adding it to `g`s definition, like so:
--type IsF p t = (C p, t ~ F p)
type IsF p t = (t ~ F p)
--g :: (IsF p t) => t
g :: (C p, IsF p t) => t
In addition, either of the following two solutions will get the code to
1. Replacing the reference to `IsF p t` in the class signature with `t ~ F
p` like so:
-- f :: (IsF p t) => t
f :: (t ~ F p) => t
2. Alternatively, expanding out `IsF p t` in the signature of `g` as
--g :: (IsF p t) => t
g :: (C p, t ~ F p) => t
Note that is we remove the class `C` entirely (making `f` an ordinary
function) the bug disappears, but if instead replace the class with a
constraint `C` like so:
type family C t :: Constraint
the bug still appears.
So it seems this bug needs four things to all occur for it to appear:
1. A type constraint synonym in the calling code.
2. A type constraint synonym in the called code.
3. The type constraint synonym to contain a class constraint, or at least
a non-equality one.
4. A type checking plugin to be called.
Note that the error requires a type checking plugin to be called, if one
does not override `defaultPlugin` like so:
plugin = defaultPlugin { tcPlugin = const (Just myPlugin) }
and instead just does:
plugin = defaultPlugin
then the issue will not occur.
So in summary, it seems that calling a type checking plugin somehow
affects ordinary type checking in particular circumstances. I don't think
this should happen.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/12780#comment:2>
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