[GHC] #12485: -package-db flags now need to be sorted by dependency order

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Sat Oct 1 08:36:28 UTC 2016

#12485: -package-db flags now need to be sorted by dependency order
        Reporter:  niteria           |                Owner:
            Type:  bug               |               Status:  new
        Priority:  normal            |            Milestone:  8.0.3
       Component:  Package system    |              Version:  8.0.1
      Resolution:                    |             Keywords:
Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple  |         Architecture:
                                     |  Unknown/Multiple
 Type of failure:  None/Unknown      |            Test Case:
      Blocked By:                    |             Blocking:
 Related Tickets:                    |  Differential Rev(s):  phab:D2450,
       Wiki Page:                    |  phab:D2514

Comment (by ezyang):

 > In the short term, would anything go wrong if we allowed an IPID
 anywhere in the stack to satisfy a dependency provided it was unique? And
 if a dependency is not unique, we resolve in the current way, using the DB

 OK, while I was implementing this, I discovered a fairly nasty edge case.

 * db1: p (depends on q)
 * db2: q (depends on r from db3)
 * db3: r
 * db4: r (shadows r from db3)

 A "proper" order to specify these databases is db3 db2 db1 db4, which
 would have the net effect of only bringing r into scope (since everything
 else gets killed with db3's r gets shadowed.) Alternately, db4 db3 db2 db1
 would see just db4 be killed.

 What do you expect to happen if the databases are specified: `db1 db3 db4
 db2`? Under the "non-duplicated package can be specified anywhere" rule,
 `db1` is OK because it refers to `q`, which indeed is only mentioned once.

 OK, now the nastiness begins. Remember that we still need to process
 shadowing in order. So we accept `db1`, process `db3` (fine), and then
 process `db4`, at which point there is a problem. The r from db4 needs to
 shadow the db3 r, and invalidate anything that depends on it. This
 *somehow* has to include db1 and db4, but we haven't even "gotten" to db4
 to process it yet. A giant mess!

 I don't really care about trying hard to salvage the situation, if a user
 comes into it. But what I do care about is giving an easily interpretable
 explanation about whatever behavior we do. But it doesn't seem like there
 is reasonable "non-magical" semantics I can give for this case.

 Here's an alternative: what if we allow you to order your `-package-db`
 flags however you want, but ONLY if there is NO shadowing anywhere in the
 stack? In that case, matters are simple. I am only a little less
 enthusiastic about this because you only need to have one case of
 irrelevant shadowing and boom your command line stops working. Guidance
 requested! What do you care about?

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/12485#comment:27>
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