[GHC] #12096: Attach stacktrace information to SomeException
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue May 24 10:59:18 UTC 2016
#12096: Attach stacktrace information to SomeException
Reporter: ndtimofeev | Owner:
Type: feature request | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Core Libraries | Version: 8.0.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
| Unknown/Multiple
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Test Case:
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Comment (by ndtimofeev):
1. I just copy `ErrorCall` API and implementation. Also I would like to
see both stacktrace (`CallStack` and `CostCentreStack`, not only
2. Yep, stacktrace information is lost when we catch unwraped exception.
It looks like a problem. First:
f = throw (CustomException False)
g = f `catch` \err@(CustomException fixable) ->
if fixable
then makeGood
else throw err
We only rethrow exception and… change it stacktrace. Now it start from
`throw` in `g`, not in `f`.
onException eval handler = eval `catch` (\e@(SomeException _) -> handler
>> throw e)
f = throw (CustomException False)
g = f `onException` makeGood
Now exception has to stacktrace.
loop = forever $ threadDelay maxBound
main = do
tid <- forkIO $ loop `onException` putStrLn "Bang!"
threadDelay 1000000
throwTo tid UserException
Now `UserException` has absolutely irrelevant stacktrace.
I don't know how fix first problem. The second can be fixed something like
throw :: (HasCallStack, Exception e) => e -> a
throw e
| Just (SomeException _) <- cast e = raise# e
| otherwise = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ do
stack <- currentCallStack
raise# (CallStackException e $ if stack /= []
then prettyCallStack ?callStack ++ "\n" ++ renderStack stack
else prettyCallStack ?callStack)
The third is more complicated. For example we can skip stacktrace
information for asynchronous exceptions. But in general, we can't
determine this exception synchronous or asynchronous. Perhaps `throwTo`
can add to exception extra information. But I do not understand how.
throwTo' :: Exception e => ThreadId -> e -> IO a
throwTo' tid = throwTo tid . SomeAsyncException
catch' :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
catch' eval handler = eval `catch` \err@(SomeException _) -> go err
handler err
go :: (Exception e, Exception a) => e -> (a -> IO b) ->
SomeException -> IO b
go ex f origErr
| Just v <- cast ex = f v
| Just (SomeException inner) <- cast ex = go inner f
| Just (SomeAsyncException inner) <- cast ex = go inner f
| otherwise = throw origErr
Also it will be useful in situation like that:
processCmd = timeout 20000 . postDataAndWaitResponce
main = do
tasks <- newChan :: IO (Chan (String, MVar (Either SomeEception (Maybe
tid <- forkIO $ forever $ do
(cmd, ret) <- readChan tasks
try (processCmd cmd) >>= putMVar ret
threadDelay 1000000
throwTo tid UserException
`UserException` can't kill forked thread because it try catch all
(synchronous) exception. If `try (processCmd cmd) >>= putMVar ret` will be
masked `timeout` will be broken.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/12096#comment:3>
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