[GHC] #11727: Allow one type signature for multiple pattern synonyms
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Sun Mar 20 21:54:38 UTC 2016
#11727: Allow one type signature for multiple pattern synonyms
Reporter: mpickering | Owner:
Type: feature | Status: new
request |
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.10.3
Keywords: | Operating System: Unknown/Multiple
PatternSynonyms |
Architecture: | Type of failure: None/Unknown
Unknown/Multiple |
Test Case: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Related Tickets:
Differential Rev(s): | Wiki Page:
There's no reason why we shouldn't allow the same type signature for
multiple pattern synonyms just like ordinary functions.
For example,
pattern A,B,C,D :: Int
pattern A = 5
pattern B = 6
pattern C = 7
pattern D = 8
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/11727>
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