[GHC] #11655: Ambiguous types in pattern synonym not determined by functional dependencies
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Sat Feb 27 22:59:21 UTC 2016
#11655: Ambiguous types in pattern synonym not determined by functional
Reporter: Iceland_jack | Owner:
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 8.1
Keywords: | Operating System: Unknown/Multiple
Architecture: | Type of failure: None/Unknown
Unknown/Multiple |
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The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.1.20160117
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, KindSignatures, DataKinds, GADTs,
MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances #-}
data Ty ty where
I :: Ty Int
A :: Ty a -> Ty [a]
data NUM = MKINT
-- Each type determines a TYPE
class GetTy ty (rep :: TYPE) | ty -> rep where
getTy :: Ty ty
instance GetTy Int (MKSCALAR (MKNUM MKINT)) where
getTy = I
instance GetTy a rep => GetTy [a] (MKARR rep) where
getTy = A getTy
data Unary a b where
Un :: (GetTy a a_rep, GetTy b b_rep) => UnOp a b -> (a -> b) -> Unary a
data UnOp a b where
OpLen :: UnOp [a] Int
data E a where
UnOp :: Unary a b -> (E a -> E b)
Now I'd like to create an explicitly-bidirectional pattern synonym,
defining a unidirectional pattern synonym works fine:
pattern Len xs <- UnOp (Un OpLen _) xs
but the inferred type is rejected:
-- >>> :i Len
-- pattern Len :: () => (GetTy a a_rep, GetTy t b_rep,
-- a GHC.Prim.~# [a1], t GHC.Prim.~# Int) => E a ->
E t
pattern Len :: () => (GetTy a a_rep, GetTy t b_rep, a ~ [a1], t ~ Int) =>
E a -> E t
pattern Len xs <- UnOp (Un OpLen _) xs
-- tgxg.hs:31:37-38: error: …
-- • Could not deduce (GetTy a1 rep) arising from a pattern
-- from the context: (GetTy a a_rep, GetTy t b_rep)
-- bound by a pattern with constructor:
-- Un :: forall a b (a_rep :: TYPE) (b_rep :: TYPE).
-- (GetTy a a_rep, GetTy b b_rep) =>
-- UnOp a b -> (a -> b) -> Unary a b,
-- in a pattern synonym declaration
-- at /tmp/tgxg.hs:31:25-34
-- or from: (a ~ [a1], t ~ Int)
-- bound by a pattern with constructor:
-- OpLen :: forall a. UnOp [a] Int,
-- in a pattern synonym declaration
-- at /tmp/tgxg.hs:31:28-32
-- The type variable ‘rep’ is ambiguous
-- • In the declaration for pattern synonym ‘Len’
-- Compilation failed.
Constructing it works fine:
len :: GetTy a rep => E [a] -> E Int
len = UnOp (Un OpLen length)
but adding it to the pattern makes it fail:
pattern Len xs <- UnOp (Un OpLen _) xs where
Len xs = len xs
-- tgxg.hs:32:18-23: error: …
-- • Could not deduce (GetTy a1 rep) arising from a use of ‘len’
-- from the context: (GetTy a a_rep, GetTy t b_rep, a ~ [a1], t ~
-- bound by the type signature for:
-- Main.$bLen :: (GetTy a a_rep, GetTy t b_rep, a ~
[a1], t ~ Int) =>
-- E a -> E t
-- at /tmp/tgxg.hs:(31,1)-(32,23)
-- The type variable ‘rep’ is ambiguous
-- These potential instances exist:
-- instance GetTy Int ('MKSCALAR ('MKNUM 'MKINT))
-- -- Defined at /tmp/tgxg.hs:14:10
-- instance GetTy a rep => GetTy [a] ('MKARR rep)
-- -- Defined at /tmp/tgxg.hs:17:10
-- • In the expression: len xs
-- In an equation for ‘$bLen’: $bLen xs = len xs
-- Compilation failed.
Mixing functional dependencies, GADTs and pattern synonyms is confusing to
me but is GHC correct that this type is ambiguous and if so what is
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