[GHC] #11206: ARM is generally a disaster
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Mon Feb 8 21:31:13 UTC 2016
#11206: ARM is generally a disaster
Reporter: bgamari | Owner:
Type: bug | Status: closed
Priority: normal | Milestone: 8.0.1
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.10.2
Resolution: fixed | Keywords:
Operating System: Linux | Architecture: arm
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: #11205, #11289, | Differential Rev(s):
#11294, #11295, #11296, #11297, |
#11340 |
Wiki Page: |
Comment (by mfox):
OVERALL SUMMARY for test run started at Mon Feb 8 20:39:23 2016 UTC
0:18:00 spent to go through
5012 total tests, which gave rise to
18811 test cases, of which
13830 were skipped
70 had missing libraries
4119 expected passes
81 expected failures
0 caused framework failures
1 unexpected passes
707 unexpected failures
3 unexpected stat failures
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/11206#comment:17>
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