[GHC] #11518: Test TcCoercibleFail hangs with substitution sanity checks enabled
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Wed Feb 3 21:25:09 UTC 2016
#11518: Test TcCoercibleFail hangs with substitution sanity checks enabled
Reporter: niteria | Owner: niteria
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler (Type | Version: 8.1
checker) |
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: Compile-time | Unknown/Multiple
performance bug | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Related Tickets: | Differential Rev(s):
Wiki Page: |
Comment (by niteria):
No, I don't think the example from comment:14 is related.
We have
newtype VoidBad a = VoidBad (VoidBad (a,a))
foo5' = coerce :: (VoidBad ()) -> ()
For `coerce :: (VoidBad ()) -> ()` to typecheck we have to know if
`VoidBad ()` and `()` have the same runtime representation.
So we need to find out what `VoidBad ()` really is. So we start unwrapping
the newtypes of off it.
What do we get when we try to unwrap the newtype off of `VoidBad ()`?
VoidBad () = VoidBad ((),())
= VoidBad (((),()),((),()))
= VoidBad ((((),()),((),())),(((),()),((),())))
= ...
It's clear that the type we apply to `VoidBad` grows exponentially and
that `VoidBad ()` diverges. Before adding the ASSERT this is detected by
`checkRecTc`. The reason that `checkRecTc` manages to do that in the
presence of an exponentially growing argument to `VoidBad` is that
`checkRecTc` only counts how many times we've applied `VoidBad`. It never
looks at the exponentially growing argument.
The reason why we are able to build an exponentially growing arguments
with small amount of space and time has to do with sharing. When we apply
`VoidBad a = VoidBad (a, a)` it is the *same* `a` that goes to the left
and right component of the pair. The `a` is shared between both
The way we apply `VoidBad a = VoidBad (a, a)` is by using the `substTy`
function. We replace every `a` from the right hand side with `a` from the
left hand side. But in this case we use the *same* `a`, so the size of the
type grows exponentially, but the representation doesn't.
The problem arises when `substTy` examines the argument we passed as `a`
to look for the free vars to do the ASSERT. Since the type grows
exponentially, the time to compute the free vars also grows exponentially
and we don't get to the 100th iteration of unwrapping in any reasonable
amount of time.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/11518#comment:15>
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