[GHC] #11024: Fix strange parsing of BooleanFormula
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Oct 27 18:28:41 UTC 2015
#11024: Fix strange parsing of BooleanFormula
Reporter: mpickering | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: low | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.10.2
(Parser) |
Resolution: | Keywords: newcomer
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
| Unknown/Multiple
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
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Description changed by mpickering:
Old description:
> Consider the following program.
> {{{
> module Foo where
> class Meh a where
> foo :: a -> String
> foo1 :: a -> String
> foo2 :: a -> String
> {-# MINIMAL foo, foo1, foo2 #-}
> }}}
> The minimal pragma is parsed quite weirdly.
> {{{
> (MinimalSig "{-# MINIMAL"
> (And
> [
> (Var
> ({ test.hs:8:15-17 }
> (Unqual {OccName: foo}))),
> (And
> [
> (Var
> ({ test.hs:8:20-23 }
> (Unqual {OccName: foo1}))),
> (Var
> ({ test.hs:8:26-29 }
> (Unqual {OccName: foo2})))])])))] {Bag(Located (HsBind
> RdrName)):}}}
> To be clear, it is parsed as `And [foo, [And [foo1, foo2]]` rather than
> `And [foo, foo1, foo2]`.
> Either the datatype should be change to be more like a binary tree or the
> parser should be changed to handle this properly. I think the second
> option would be easiest.
New description:
Consider the following program.
module Foo where
class Meh a where
foo :: a -> String
foo1 :: a -> String
foo2 :: a -> String
{-# MINIMAL foo, foo1, foo2 #-}
The minimal pragma is parsed quite weirdly.
(MinimalSig "{-# MINIMAL"
({ test.hs:8:15-17 }
(Unqual {OccName: foo}))),
({ test.hs:8:20-23 }
(Unqual {OccName: foo1}))),
({ test.hs:8:26-29 }
(Unqual {OccName: foo2})))])])))] {Bag(Located (HsBind
To be clear, it is parsed as `And [foo, [And [foo1, foo2]]` rather than
`And [foo, foo1, foo2]`.
Either the datatype should be change to be more like a binary tree or the
parser should be changed to handle this properly. I think the second
option would be easiest.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/11024#comment:1>
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