[GHC] #10383: AArch64: get GHC Calling convention working

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Thu Oct 8 14:10:20 UTC 2015

#10383: AArch64: get GHC Calling convention working
        Reporter:  erikd                |                Owner:  erikd
            Type:  feature request      |               Status:  new
        Priority:  normal               |            Milestone:  8.0.1
       Component:  Compiler             |              Version:  7.11
      Resolution:                       |             Keywords:
Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple     |         Architecture:  aarch64
 Type of failure:  Building GHC failed  |            Test Case:
      Blocked By:                       |             Blocking:
 Related Tickets:                       |  Differential Rev(s):

Comment (by edmund):

 That error from opt-3.7 looks like a syntax error in the IR. If there had
 been a fundamental change in the IR's syntax then it would probably be
 mentioned in http://llvm.org/releases/3.7.0/docs/ReleaseNotes.html, but I
 don't see it mentioned there.

 Also, it says in
 "There are tests in LLVM upstream for our needed features (including the
 new ones in LLVM 3.6+), so hopefully the scope for regressions is lower
 (indeed, crude hacks simply increase the cost of supporting it.) In fact,
 LLVM 3.7.0 worked perfectly on release, and we did some prerelease testing

 So I wouldn't be so sure that the problem you're seeing there is caused by
 the IR changing.

 Can you try using GHC with llvm-3.7 on x86_64?

 In general, an LLVM load instruction does contain at least one comma, I
 think (http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#id201), so the line you quoted
 looks suspicious. Can you get GHC to generate some more IR and see what
 the other loads look like?

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/10383#comment:25>
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