[GHC] #6018: Injective type families
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Fri Mar 6 09:30:59 UTC 2015
#6018: Injective type families
Reporter: lunaris | Owner: jstolarek
Type: feature request | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 7.12.1
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.4.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | TypeFamilies, Injective
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Architecture:
Blocked By: | Unknown/Multiple
Related Tickets: #4259 | Test Case:
| Blocking:
| Differential Revisions: Phab:D202
Comment (by jstolarek):
Replying to [comment:108 goldfire]:
> Replying to [comment:105 dorchard]:
> > what about adding a kind of injectives `>->`? e.g.`* >-> *`is the
kind of injective type functions
> This is very much along the lines of what Jan and I proposed in our
"Promoting Functions to Type Families" paper
Not exactly, I think. At the moment `->` kind classifies term-level
functions (non-injective, non-generative, can be partially applied), type
constructors (injective, generative, can be partially applied) and type
families (non-injective, non-generative, cannot be partially applied). In
our paper we proposed a new kind to classify type functions (families)
that are still non-injective and non-generative but can be partially
applied just like term-level functions. We addressed the problem of
partial application, not injectivity.
> GHC assumes all function types (that is, types with kinds that are
headed by `->`) are ''generative'' and ''injective''. (...) Thus, the kind
`->` denotes a generative, injective function.
Are you sure? I would say this is true only for type constructors but
perhaps I'm missing something. (I am assuming that also `->` classifies
type families although, as you point out, this is not entirely accurate.)
Anyway, I can imagine introducing a new kind to distinguish between
injective and non-injective applications but, given that we might want a
new kind to distinguish between things that can and can't be partially
applied at the type level, this does not seem like a good choice.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/6018#comment:109>
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