[GHC] #11206: ARM is generally a disaster
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Fri Dec 11 22:24:29 UTC 2015
#11206: ARM is generally a disaster
Reporter: bgamari | Owner:
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 8.0.1
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.10.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Linux | Architecture: arm
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Test Case:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
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Comment (by bgamari):
As of 688069ca83e949b9bde9883af7df26114e2f9bc0 things look like the
TEST="T1372 T4891 landmines joao-circular cabal01 debug T2578 T10518 tc263
T7835 cabal06 cabal07 barton-mangler-bug linker_unload T4850 T5423 T7037
T5435_dyn_asm T5435_v_gcc outofmem T5435_v_asm outofmem2 T4059
T5435_dyn_gcc plugins01 mod175 T8628 T6145 T9595 T8639_api T10508_api
literals parsed par003 mod179 T7476 T10890_1 T10890 Check04 T1959
recomp008 hs-boot recomp015 safePkg01 T149 T2902 T3736 T10052 recomp004
T9430 sigof01 sigof01m sigof03 sigof02dm sigof02m sigof02d sigof02
dynCompileExpr bug1465 dynamic_flags_001 cabal04 rn.prog006 T5313 T703
T9938B withRtsOpts rtsopts002 rtsopts001 driver081b T9938 driver062a
driver062b driver062c driver062d driver062e driver081a T7478 recomp001
integerConstantFolding showsrcspan T3007 Capi_Ctype_001 Capi_Ctype_002
T10955dyn dynamicToo001 hsc2hs004 hsc2hs003 CmmSwitchTest T437 encoding004
T3307 environment001 parseTree T10313 annotations comments listcomps
recomp012 recomp007 recomp010 recomp011 gadt23 T8726 T7014 T5243 T10359
T9203 T7257 lazy-bs-alloc haddock.Cabal haddock.compiler haddock.base
T5321FD T5030 T4801 T5631 T783 T9872d T9872b T3064 T1969 T5321Fun T5837
T9233 T9961"
OVERALL SUMMARY for test run started at Fri Dec 11 22:07:33 2015 CET
1:13:14 spent to go through
4859 total tests, which gave rise to
15400 test cases, of which
10592 were skipped
72 had missing libraries
4506 expected passes
104 expected failures
1 caused framework failures
0 unexpected passes
106 unexpected failures
20 unexpected stat failures
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/11206#comment:1>
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