[GHC] #9628: Add Annotations to the AST to simplify source to source conversions
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Fri Oct 10 17:19:56 UTC 2014
#9628: Add Annotations to the AST to simplify source to source conversions
Reporter: alanz | Owner: alanz
Type: feature | Status: new
request | Milestone:
Priority: normal | Version: 7.9
Component: Compiler | Keywords:
Resolution: | Architecture: Unknown/Multiple
Operating System: | Difficulty: Unknown
Unknown/Multiple | Blocked By:
Type of failure: | Related Tickets:
None/Unknown |
Test Case: |
Blocking: |
Differential Revisions: D297 |
Comment (by NeilMitchell):
Alan and I debated this point, and I was the one who suggested the many
data types approach (although I wouldn't go as far as saying I advocate it
- I'm somewhat neutral). My concern was that if you do the dynamic
approach you have to document each one of those strings, and the
documentation has to be correct or the users won't have a clue what is
going on, and if you update it all your clients will break and no one will
realise. The documentation will basically be as long as the data types,
but won't be statically checked on either side, and will very likely end
up being wrong.
Maybe a hybrid approach is to have location information for keywords like
"of", "case", "where", "(" and ")". You can have a fixed static
enumeration of keywords, so you have type safety, and every keyword is
optionally in every AST. The number of keywords is relatively small, and
which keyword is contained within each AST node doesn't require
documenting (the lexical structure makes it pretty obvious). You end up
with no requirement for fragile docs, one data type with a fairly small
number of entries, and reasonable safety for both the producer and
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9628#comment:17>
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