[GHC] #9672: Error message too long (full case statement printed)

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Thu Oct 9 11:59:47 UTC 2014

#9672: Error message too long (full case statement printed)
       Reporter:  andreas.abel       |                   Owner:
           Type:  bug                |                  Status:  new
       Priority:  normal             |               Milestone:
      Component:  Compiler (Type     |                 Version:  7.8.3
  checker)                           |        Operating System:
       Keywords:                     |  Unknown/Multiple
   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple   |         Type of failure:  Other
     Difficulty:  Easy (less than 1  |               Test Case:
  hour)                              |                Blocking:
     Blocked By:                     |  Differential Revisions:
Related Tickets:                     |
 Imho, it does not make sense to print the other branches of a case when a
 type error is discovered in one branch.  When you see the following
 example, you will agree with me.
     Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘TCMT IO Doc’
     Expected type: TCM Doc
       Actual type: [Char]
     In the expression:
       "Module cannot be imported since it has open interaction points"
     In a case alternative:
           -> "Module cannot be imported since it has open interaction
     In a stmt of a 'do' block:
       case err of {
         InternalError s -> panic s
         NotImplemented s -> fwords $ "Not implemented: " ++ s
         NotSupported s -> fwords $ "Not supported: " ++ s
         CompilationError s -> sep [fwords "Compilation error:", text s]
         GenericError s -> fwords s
         GenericDocError d -> return d
         TerminationCheckFailed because
           -> fwords
                "Termination checking failed for the following functions:"
                (nest 2
                 $ fsep
                   $ punctuate comma
                     $ map (pretty . dropTopLevelModule)
                       $ concatMap termErrFunctions because)
              $$ fwords "Problematic calls:"
                (nest 2
                 $ fmap (P.vcat . nub)
                   $ mapM prettyTCM
                     $ sortBy (compare `on` callInfoRange)
                       $ concatMap termErrCalls because)
           -> fwords
                "Datatypes in Prop must have at most one constructor when
 proof irrelevance is enabled"
         DataMustEndInSort t
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The type of a datatype must end in a sort."
                ++ [prettyTCM t] ++ pwords "isn't a sort."
         ShouldEndInApplicationOfTheDatatype t
           -> fsep
              $ pwords
                  "The target of a constructor must be the datatype applied
 to its parameters,"
                ++ [prettyTCM t] ++ pwords "isn't"
         ShouldBeAppliedToTheDatatypeParameters s t
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The target of the constructor should be"
                ++ [prettyTCM s] ++ pwords "instead of" ++ [prettyTCM t]
         ShouldBeApplicationOf t q
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The pattern constructs an element of"
                ++ [prettyTCM q] ++ pwords "which is not the right
         ShouldBeRecordType t
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Expected non-abstract record type, found "
                ++ [prettyTCM t]
         ShouldBeRecordPattern p -> fsep $ pwords "Expected record pattern"
         NotAProjectionPattern p
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Not a valid projection for a copattern: " ++
 [prettyA p]
           -> fwords
                "The number of arguments in the defining equations differ"
         WrongHidingInLHS -> do { fwords "Unexpected implicit argument" }
         WrongHidingInLambda t
           -> do { fwords
                     "Found an implicit lambda where an explicit lambda was
 expected" }
         WrongIrrelevanceInLambda t
           -> do { fwords
                     "Found an irrelevant lambda where a relevant lambda
 was expected" }
         WrongNamedArgument a
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Function does not accept argument " ++ [prettyTCM
         WrongHidingInApplication t
           -> do { fwords
                     "Found an implicit application where an explicit
 application was expected" }
         HidingMismatch h h'
           -> fwords
              $ "Expected "
                  verbalize (Indefinite h')
                    " argument, but found " ++ verbalize (Indefinite h) ++
 " argument"
         RelevanceMismatch r r'
           -> fwords
              $ "Expected "
                  verbalize (Indefinite r')
                    " argument, but found " ++ verbalize (Indefinite r) ++
 " argument"
         ColorMismatch c c'
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Expected argument color to be"
                ++ [prettyTCM c'] ++ pwords "but found color" ++ [prettyTCM
         NotInductive t
           -> fsep $ [prettyTCM t] ++ pwords "is not an inductive data
         UninstantiatedDotPattern e
           -> fsep $ pwords "Failed to infer the value of dotted pattern"
         IlltypedPattern p a -> fsep $ pwords "Type mismatch"
         IllformedProjectionPattern p
           -> fsep $ pwords "Ill-formed projection pattern " ++ [prettyA p]
         CannotEliminateWithPattern p a
           -> do { let ...;
                   $ pwords "Cannot eliminate type"
                       prettyTCM a
                       : if isProj then
                             pwords "with projection pattern" ++ ...
                             pwords "with pattern"
                             ++ prettyA p : pwords "(did you supply too
 many arguments?)" }
         TooManyArgumentsInLHS a
           -> fsep
              $ pwords
                  "Left hand side gives too many arguments to a function of
                ++ [prettyTCM a]
         WrongNumberOfConstructorArguments c expect given
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The constructor"
                  [prettyTCM c]
                    pwords "expects"
                      [text (show expect)]
                        pwords "arguments (including hidden ones), but has
 been given"
                        ++ [text (show given)] ++ pwords "(including hidden
         CantResolveOverloadedConstructorsTargetingSameDatatype d cs
           -> fsep
              $ pwords
                  ("Can't resolve overloaded constructors targeting the
 same datatype ("
                   ++ show (qnameToConcrete d) ++ "):")
                ++ map pretty cs
         DoesNotConstructAnElementOf c t
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The constructor"
                  [prettyTCM c]
                  ++ pwords "does not construct an element of" ++
 [prettyTCM t]
         ConstructorPatternInWrongDatatype c d
           -> fsep
              $ [prettyTCM c]
                ++ pwords "is not a constructor of the datatype" ++
 [prettyTCM d]
         IndicesNotConstructorApplications [i]
           -> fwords "The index" $$ nest 2 (prettyTCM i)
                  (pwords "is not a constructor (or literal) applied to
                   ++ pwords "(note that parameters count as constructor
         IndicesNotConstructorApplications is
           -> fwords "The indices" $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map prettyTCM is)
                  (pwords "are not constructors (or literals) applied to
                   ++ pwords "(note that parameters count as constructor
         IndexVariablesNotDistinct vs is
           -> fwords "The variables"
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map (\ v -> prettyTCM (I.Var v [])) vs)
              $$ fwords "in the indices"
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map prettyTCM is)
                  "are not distinct (note that parameters count as
 constructor arguments)"
         IndicesFreeInParameters vs indices pars
           -> fwords "The variables"
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map (\ v -> prettyTCM (I.Var v [])) vs)
                  "which are used (perhaps as constructor parameters) in
 the index expressions"
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map prettyTCM indices)
              $$ fwords "are free in the parameters"
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map prettyTCM pars)
         ShadowedModule x []
           -> (throwImpossible
                 (Impossible "src/full/Agda/TypeChecking/Errors.hs" 404))
         ShadowedModule x ms@(m : _)
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Duplicate definition of module"
                  [prettyTCM x <> text "."]
                    pwords "Previous definition of"
                      [help m]
                      ++ pwords "module" ++ [prettyTCM x] ++ pwords "at" ++
 [prettyTCM r]
               help m = do { ... }
               r = case ... of {
                     [] -> ...
                     r : _ -> ... }
               defSiteOfLast [] = noRange
               defSiteOfLast ns = nameBindingSite (last ns)
         ModuleArityMismatch m EmptyTel args
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The module"
                  [prettyTCM m]
                  ++ pwords "is not parameterized, but is being applied to
         ModuleArityMismatch m tel@(ExtendTel _ _) args
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The arguments to "
                  [prettyTCM m]
                  ++ pwords "does not fit the telescope" ++ [prettyTCM tel]
         ShouldBeEmpty t []
           -> fsep
              $ [prettyTCM t]
                ++ pwords "should be empty, but that's not obvious to me"
         ShouldBeEmpty t ps
           -> fsep
                ([prettyTCM t]
                     "should be empty, but the following constructor
 patterns are valid:")
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map (showPat 0) ps)
         ShouldBeASort t
           -> fsep $ [prettyTCM t] ++ pwords "should be a sort, but it
         ShouldBePi t
           -> fsep
              $ [prettyTCM t] ++ pwords "should be a function type, but it
         NotAProperTerm -> fwords "Found a malformed term"
         SetOmegaNotValidType -> fwords "Set\969 is not a valid type"
         InvalidType v
           -> fsep $ [prettyTCM v] ++ pwords "is not a valid type"
         SplitOnIrrelevant p t
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Cannot pattern match"
                ++ [prettyA p] ++ pwords "against irrelevant type" ++
 [prettyTCM t]
         DefinitionIsIrrelevant x
           -> fsep
              $ text "Identifier"
                : prettyTCM x
                  : pwords "is declared irrelevant, so it cannot be used
         VariableIsIrrelevant x
           -> fsep
              $ text "Variable"
                : prettyTCM x
                  : pwords "is declared irrelevant, so it cannot be used
         UnequalBecauseOfUniverseConflict cmp s t
           -> fsep $ [prettyTCM s, notCmp cmp, ....]
         UnequalTerms cmp s t a
           -> do { (d1, d2, d) <- prettyInEqual s t;
                   fsep $ [...] ++ pwords "of type" ++ [...] ++ [...] }
         UnequalTypes cmp a b -> prettyUnequal a (notCmp cmp) b
         UnequalColors a b -> error "TODO guilhem 4"
         HeterogeneousEquality u a v b
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Refuse to solve heterogeneous constraint"
                  [prettyTCM u]
                    pwords ":"
                      [prettyTCM a]
                      ++ pwords "=?=" ++ [prettyTCM v] ++ pwords ":" ++
 [prettyTCM b]
         UnequalRelevance cmp a b
           -> fsep
              $ [prettyTCM a, notCmp cmp, ....]
                    "because one is a relevant function type and the other
 is an irrelevant function type"
         UnequalHiding a b
           -> fsep
              $ [prettyTCM a, text "!=", ....]
                    "because one is an implicit function type and the other
 is an explicit function type"
         UnequalSorts s1 s2 -> fsep $ [prettyTCM s1, text "!=", ....]
         NotLeqSort s1 s2
           -> fsep
              $ pwords
                  "The type of the constructor does not fit in the sort of
 the datatype, since"
                  [prettyTCM s1]
                  ++ pwords "is not less or equal than" ++ [prettyTCM s2]
         TooFewFields r xs
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Missing fields"
                  punctuate comma (map pretty xs)
                  ++ pwords "in an element of the record" ++ [prettyTCM r]
         TooManyFields r xs
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The record type"
                  [prettyTCM r]
                    pwords "does not have the fields"
                    ++ punctuate comma (map pretty xs)
         DuplicateConstructors xs
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Duplicate constructors"
                ++ punctuate comma (map pretty xs) ++ pwords "in datatype"
         DuplicateFields xs
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Duplicate fields"
                ++ punctuate comma (map pretty xs) ++ pwords "in record"
         UnexpectedWithPatterns ps
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Unexpected with patterns"
                ++ (punctuate (text " |") $ map prettyA ps)
         WithClausePatternMismatch p q
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "With clause pattern "
                  [prettyA p]
                    pwords " is not an instance of its parent pattern "
                    ++ [prettyTCM q]
         MetaCannotDependOn m ps i
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The metavariable"
                  [prettyTCM $ MetaV m []]
                    pwords "cannot depend on"
                    ++ [pvar i] ++ pwords "because it" ++ deps
               pvar = prettyTCM . var
                 = case map pvar ps of {
                     [] -> ...
                     [x] -> ...
                     xs -> ... }
         MetaOccursInItself m
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Cannot construct infinite solution of metavariable"
                ++ [prettyTCM $ MetaV m []]
         BuiltinMustBeConstructor s e
           -> fsep
              $ [prettyA e]
                  pwords "must be a constructor in the binding to builtin"
                  ++ [text s]
         NoSuchBuiltinName s
           -> fsep $ pwords "There is no built-in thing called" ++ [text s]
         DuplicateBuiltinBinding b x y
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Duplicate binding for built-in thing"
                  [text b <> comma] ++ pwords "previous binding to" ++
 [prettyTCM x]
         NoBindingForBuiltin x
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "No binding for builtin thing"
                  [text x <> comma]
                      ("use {-# BUILTIN " ++ x ++ " name #-} to bind it to
         NoSuchPrimitiveFunction x
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "There is no primitive function called" ++ [text x]
         BuiltinInParameterisedModule x
           -> fwords
              $ "The BUILTIN pragma cannot appear inside a bound context "
                  "(for instance, in a parameterised module or as a local
         IllegalLetInTelescope tb
           -> fsep
              $ [pretty tb] ++ pwords " is not allowed in a telescope
         NoRHSRequiresAbsurdPattern ps
           -> fwords
              $ "The right-hand side can only be omitted if there "
                ++ "is an absurd pattern, () or {}, in the left-hand side."
         AbsurdPatternRequiresNoRHS ps
           -> fwords
              $ "The right-hand side must be omitted if there "
                ++ "is an absurd pattern, () or {}, in the left-hand side."
         LocalVsImportedModuleClash m
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The module"
                  [text $ show m]
                    pwords "can refer to either a local module or an
 imported module"
           -> "Module cannot be imported since it has open interaction
         UnsolvedMetas rs
           -> fsep (pwords "Unsolved metas at the following locations:")
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map prettyTCM rs)
         UnsolvedConstraints cs
           -> fsep (pwords "Failed to solve the following constraints:")
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map prettyConstraint cs)
               prettyConstraint :: ProblemConstraint -> TCM Doc
               prettyConstraint c
                 = f (prettyTCM c)
                     r = ...
         CyclicModuleDependency ms
           -> fsep (pwords "cyclic module dependency:")
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map pretty ms)
         FileNotFound x files
           -> fsep
                (pwords "Failed to find source of module"
                 ++ [pretty x] ++ pwords "in any of the following
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map (text . filePath) files)
         OverlappingProjects f m1 m2
           -> fsep
                (pwords "The file"
                   [text (filePath f)]
                     pwords "can be accessed via several project roots.
                       [pretty m1]
                       ++ pwords "and" ++ [pretty m2] ++ pwords "point to
 this file.")
         AmbiguousTopLevelModuleName x files
           -> fsep
                (pwords "Ambiguous module name. The module name"
                   [pretty x] ++ pwords "could refer to any of the
 following files:")
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map (text . filePath) files)
         ClashingFileNamesFor x files
           -> fsep
                (pwords "Multiple possible sources for module"
                 ++ [text $ show x] ++ pwords "found:")
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map (text . filePath) files)
         ModuleDefinedInOtherFile mod file file'
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "You tried to load"
                  [text (filePath file)]
                    pwords "which defines the module"
                      [pretty mod <> text "."]
                        pwords "However, according to the include path this
 module should"
                        ++ pwords "be defined in" ++ [text (filePath file')
 <> text "."]
         ModuleNameDoesntMatchFileName given files
           -> fsep
                   "The name of the top level module does not match the
 file name. The module"
                   [pretty given]
                   ++ pwords "should be defined in one of the following
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map (text . filePath) files)
         BothWithAndRHS -> fsep $ pwords "Unexpected right hand side"
         NotInScope xs
           -> fsep (pwords "Not in scope:") $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map name xs)
               name x = fsep [...]
               suggestion s
                 | elem ':' s = parens $ text "did you forget space around
 the ':'?"
                 | elem "->" two
                 = parens $ text "did you forget space around the '->'?"
                 | otherwise = empty
                     two = ...
         NoSuchModule x -> fsep $ pwords "No such module" ++ [pretty x]
         AmbiguousName x ys
           -> vcat
                 $ pwords "Ambiguous name"
                   ++ [...] ++ pwords "It could refer to any one of",
                 nest 2 $ vcat $ map nameWithBinding ys, ....]
         AmbiguousModule x ys
           -> vcat
                 $ pwords "Ambiguous module name"
                   ++ [...] ++ pwords "It could refer to any one of",
                 nest 2 $ vcat $ map help ys, ....]
               help :: ModuleName -> TCM Doc
               help m = do { ... }
         UninstantiatedModule x
           -> fsep
                (pwords "Cannot access the contents of the parameterised
                   [pretty x <> text "."]
                       "To do this the module first has to be instantiated.
 For instance:")
              $$ nest 2 (hsep [text "module", pretty x <> text "'", ....])
         ClashingDefinition x y
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Multiple definitions of"
                  [pretty x <> text "."]
                    pwords "Previous definition at"
                    ++ [prettyTCM $ nameBindingSite $ qnameName y]
         ClashingModule m1 m2
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The modules"
                ++ [prettyTCM m1, text "and", ....] ++ pwords "clash."
         ClashingImport x y
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Import clash between" ++ [pretty x, text "and",
         ClashingModuleImport x y
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Module import clash between"
                ++ [pretty x, text "and", ....]
         PatternShadowsConstructor x c
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The pattern variable"
                  [prettyTCM x]
                  ++ pwords "has the same name as the constructor" ++
 [prettyTCM c]
         DuplicateImports m xs
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Ambiguous imports from module"
                ++ [pretty m] ++ pwords "for" ++ punctuate comma (map
 pretty xs)
         ModuleDoesntExport m xs
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The module"
                  [pretty m]
                    pwords "doesn't export the following:"
                    ++ punctuate comma (map pretty xs)
         NotAModuleExpr e
           -> fsep
              $ pwords
                  "The right-hand side of a module definition must have the
 form 'M e1 .. en'"
                  pwords "where M is a module name. The expression"
                  ++ [pretty e, text "doesn't."]
           -> fsep $ pwords "Field appearing outside record declaration."
         InvalidPattern p
           -> fsep $ pretty p : pwords "is not a valid pattern"
         RepeatedVariablesInPattern xs
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Repeated variables in left hand side:" ++ map
 pretty xs
         NotAnExpression e
           -> fsep $ [pretty e] ++ pwords "is not a valid expression."
         NotAValidLetBinding nd -> fwords $ "Not a valid let-declaration"
         NothingAppliedToHiddenArg e
           -> fsep
              $ [pretty e]
                  pwords "cannot appear by itself. It needs to be the
 argument to"
                  ++ pwords "a function expecting an implicit argument."
         NothingAppliedToInstanceArg e
           -> fsep
              $ [pretty e]
                  pwords "cannot appear by itself. It needs to be the
 argument to"
                  ++ pwords "a function expecting an instance argument."
         NoParseForApplication es
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Could not parse the application"
                ++ [pretty $ C.RawApp noRange es]
         AmbiguousParseForApplication es es'
           -> fsep
                (pwords "Don't know how to parse"
                 ++ [pretty_es <> (text ".")] ++ pwords "Could mean any one
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map pretty' es')
               pretty_es :: TCM Doc
               pretty_es = pretty $ C.RawApp noRange es
               pretty' :: C.Expr -> TCM Doc
         BadArgumentsToPatternSynonym x
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Bad arguments to pattern synonym " ++ [prettyTCM x]
         TooFewArgumentsToPatternSynonym x
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Too few arguments to pattern synonym " ++
 [prettyTCM x]
           -> fsep $ pwords "Unused variable in pattern synonym."
         NoParseForLHS IsLHS p
           -> fsep $ pwords "Could not parse the left-hand side" ++ [pretty
         NoParseForLHS IsPatSyn p
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Could not parse the pattern synonym" ++ [pretty p]
         AmbiguousParseForLHS lhsOrPatSyn p ps
           -> fsep
                (pwords "Don't know how to parse"
                 ++ [pretty_p <> text "."] ++ pwords "Could mean any one
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map pretty' ps)
               pretty_p :: TCM Doc
               pretty_p = pretty p
               pretty' :: C.Pattern -> TCM Doc
         IncompletePatternMatching v args
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Incomplete pattern matching for"
                  [prettyTCM v <> text "."]
                  ++ pwords "No match for" ++ map prettyTCM args
         UnreachableClauses f pss
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Unreachable" ++ pwords (plural (length pss)
               plural 1 thing = thing
               plural n thing = thing ++ "s"
         CoverageFailure f pss
           -> fsep
                (pwords "Incomplete pattern matching for"
                 ++ [prettyTCM f <> text "."] ++ pwords "Missing cases:")
              $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map display pss)
               display ps = do { ... }
               nicify f ps = do { ... }
         CoverageCantSplitOn c tel cIxs gIxs
           | length cIxs /= length gIxs
           -> (throwImpossible
                 (Impossible "src/full/Agda/TypeChecking/Errors.hs" 750))
           | otherwise
           -> addCtxTel tel
              $ vcat
                    $ pwords
                        "I'm not sure if there should be a case for the
                          pwords "because I get stuck when trying to solve
 the following"
                              "unification problems (inferred index \8799
 expected index):"]
                       (\ c g -> nest 2 $ prettyTCM c <+> text "\8799" <+>
 prettyTCM g)
         CoverageCantSplitIrrelevantType a
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Cannot split on argument of irrelevant datatype"
                ++ [prettyTCM a]
         CoverageCantSplitType a
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Cannot split on argument of non-datatype"
                ++ [prettyTCM a]
         SplitError e -> prettyTCM e
         WithoutKError a u v
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Cannot eliminate reflexive equation"
                  [prettyTCM u]
                    pwords "="
                      [prettyTCM v]
                        pwords "of type"
                        ++ [prettyTCM a] ++ pwords "because K has been
         NotStrictlyPositive d ocs
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "The datatype"
                  [prettyTCM d]
                  ++ pwords "is not strictly positive, because" ++
 prettyOcc "it" ocs
               prettyOcc _ [] = []
               prettyOcc it (OccCon d c r : ocs) = concat [...]
               prettyOcc it (OccClause f n r : ocs) = concat [...]
               prettyR NonPositively = pwords "negatively"
               prettyR (ArgumentTo i q)
                 = pwords "as the" ++ [...] ++ pwords "argument to" ++
               th 0 = text "first"
               th 1 = text "second"
               th 2 = text "third"
               th n = text (show $ n - 1) <> text "th"
         IFSNoCandidateInScope t
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "No variable of type"
                ++ [prettyTCM t] ++ pwords "was found in scope."
         SafeFlagPostulate e
           -> fsep
              $ pwords "Cannot postulate"
                ++ [pretty e] ++ pwords "with safe flag"
         SafeFlagPragma xs
           -> let
                  | length xs == 1 = ...
                  | otherwise = ...
                $ [fwords ("Cannot set OPTION pragma" ++ plural)]
                  ++ map text xs ++ [fwords "with safe flag."]
           -> fsep
                (pwords "Cannot use NO_TERMINATION_CHECK pragma with safe
           -> fsep
                (pwords "Cannot use NON_TERMINATING pragma with safe
           -> fsep (pwords "Cannot use TERMINATING pragma with safe flag.")
           -> fsep (pwords "Cannot use primTrustMe with safe flag")
           -> fsep
                   "Option --copatterns needed to enable destructor
 patterns") }

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