[GHC] #9661: Branchless ==# is compiled to branchy code
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Sun Oct 5 01:33:32 UTC 2014
#9661: Branchless ==# is compiled to branchy code
Reporter: dfeuer | Owner:
Type: feature | Status: new
request | Milestone:
Priority: normal | Version: 7.9
Component: Compiler | Keywords:
Resolution: | Architecture: Unknown/Multiple
Operating System: | Difficulty: Unknown
Unknown/Multiple | Blocked By:
Type of failure: Runtime | Related Tickets:
performance bug |
Test Case: |
Blocking: |
Differential Revisions: |
Comment (by dfeuer):
Replying to [comment:9 rwbarton]:
> I don't understand what `bartonEq` or `feuerEq` is or what the
difference between them is supposed to be. They look equal to me.
You're right. I got confused. Sorry. I still think we should have that
`secretEq#` that acts the same as `==#` but without the `litEq`
modification. I'm not the one to come up with a good justification—all I
want it for at the moment is `isSpace`, whicn is not exactly a hotspot in
most code.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9661#comment:11>
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