[GHC] #8213: Bad error message when using lazy IO to read from closed handle
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Thu Nov 20 16:45:28 UTC 2014
#8213: Bad error message when using lazy IO to read from closed handle
Reporter: nh2 | Owner:
Type: bug | Status: infoneeded
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Core | Version: 7.6.3
Libraries | Keywords:
Resolution: | Architecture: Unknown/Multiple
Operating System: | Difficulty: Unknown
Unknown/Multiple | Blocked By:
Type of failure: Incorrect | Related Tickets:
result at runtime |
Test Case: |
Blocking: |
Differential Revisions: |
Changes (by thomie):
* cc: core-libraries-committee@… (added)
* failure: Documentation bug => Incorrect result at runtime
* status: new => infoneeded
* component: Runtime System => Core Libraries
Old description:
> Today I accidentally wrote this code:
> {{{
> filesEqual :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool
> filesEqual f1 f2 = do
> equal <- withBinaryFile f1 ReadMode $ \f1 ->
> withBinaryFile f2 ReadMode $ \f2 ->
> c1 <- BSL.hGetContents h1
> c2 <- BSL.hGetContents h2
> return (c1 == c2)
> return $! equal
> }}}
> The problem is that I should have done the forcing before the files are
> closed:
> {{{
> return $! (c1 == c2)
> }}}
> I got the incredibly unhelpful error message
> {{{
> myprogram: myfile.txt: illegal operation
> }}}
> It took me 2 hours and strace to find out what was going on, especially
> because around every file open() there are multiple things that map top
> IllegalOperation (e.g. the ENOTTY from the ioctl that checks whether the
> device is a TTY).
> Can we give a better error message here, at least mentioning that the
> problem has to do with closed (and GC'd) handles?
New description:
Today I accidentally wrote this code:
import System.IO
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
filesEqual :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Bool
filesEqual f1 f2 = do
equal <- withBinaryFile f1 ReadMode $ \h1 ->
withBinaryFile f2 ReadMode $ \h2 -> do
c1 <- BSL.hGetContents h1
c2 <- BSL.hGetContents h2
return (c1 == c2)
return $! equal
main = filesEqual "test.hs" "test.hs" >>= print
The problem is that I should have done the forcing before the files are
return $! (c1 == c2)
I got the incredibly unhelpful error message
test: test.hs: illegal operation
It took me 2 hours and strace to find out what was going on, especially
because around every file open() there are multiple things that map top
IllegalOperation (e.g. the ENOTTY from the ioctl that checks whether the
device is a TTY).
Can we give a better error message here, at least mentioning that the
problem has to do with closed (and GC'd) handles?
I can not reproduce the problem. nh2: which OS were you using? Can you try
On Linux, I get the following (nice) error message:
$ ghc-7.6.3 test.hs
$ ./test
test: test.hs: hGetBufSome: illegal operation (handle is closed)
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8213#comment:1>
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