[GHC] #9404: tcInferRho muddies the waters
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Nov 18 19:38:15 UTC 2014
#9404: tcInferRho muddies the waters
Reporter: goldfire | Owner: goldfire
Type: bug | Status: patch
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.9
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: | Architecture: Unknown/Multiple
Unknown/Multiple | Difficulty: Unknown
Type of failure: | Blocked By:
None/Unknown | Related Tickets:
Test Case: |
Blocking: |
Differential Revisions: Phab:D469 |
Comment (by goldfire):
On Phab:D469, Simon says, about line 328 of !TcExpr:
> This smells wrong. tcInferRho ends up calling tcInfer, which makes an
OpenKind ReturnTv. But then we unify it with a liftedTypeKind ReturnTv
> Complicated and silly. Better if tcInferRho takes the kind it is
expecting. Then we have only one ReturnTv, not two; and the whole ReturnTv
story is located in tcInfer, rather than having a non-return-ish hack in
the typing rule for $
> Make sense?
I've decided: no, this doesn't make sense. The call to `tcInferRho` is to
infer the type of the left-hand argument to `$`. This type is a function
type `arg -> res`. If it turns out to be unlifted, the
`matchExpectedFunTys` will fail. The silliness with the new `ReturnTy` bit
isn't about the result of `tcInferRho` -- it's about the result of
`matchExpectedFunTys`. So the straightforward refactoring Simon proposes
doesn't work.
Instead, what we should do here is to unify `arg2_ty`'s kind with `*`. But
!TcUnify doesn't have a function for that -- something like
`matchExpectedStar`. The closest thing -- `unifyKindX` tells us about sub-
kinding relationships, instead of actually unifying the kinds.
So, I propose: do nothing for now. It's working, although a little uglily,
as is. When we have proper kind equalities and no sub-kinding anymore,
this will be easy to fix. Please close the ticket if you agree.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9404#comment:15>
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