[GHC] #9347: forkProcess does not acquire global handle locks

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Jul 22 15:07:00 UTC 2014

#9347: forkProcess does not acquire global handle locks
        Reporter:  edsko             |                   Owner:
            Type:  bug               |                  Status:  new
        Priority:  normal            |               Milestone:
       Component:  Compiler          |                 Version:  7.8.2
        Keywords:                    |  Differential Revisions:
Operating System:  Unknown/Multiple  |            Architecture:
 Type of failure:  None/Unknown      |  Unknown/Multiple
       Test Case:                    |              Difficulty:  Unknown
        Blocking:                    |              Blocked By:
                                     |         Related Tickets:
 The global I/O handles (`stdout`, `stdin`, `stderr`) all make use an
 `MVar` wrapping a `Handle__`, and many I/O functions temporarily take this
 `MVar` (for instance, functions such as `hPutStr` include a call to
 `wantWritableHandle`, which uses `withHandle_'`, which involves taking the
 `MVar`, executing some operation, and then putting the `MVar` back).

 Suppose we have a program consisting of two threads A and B, where thread
 A is doing I/O. If thread B does a call to `forkProcess` then it is
 possible that the `fork()` happens at the point that A has just taken,
 say, the `MVar` for `stdout`. If this happens, every use of `stdout` in
 the child process will now forever deadlock.

 This is not a theoretical scenario. The example code reported by Michael
 Snoyman a few years ago


 exhibits precisely this behaviour: the child process deadlocks (not all
 the the time, but very frequently), exactly because of this problem.

 In `forkProcess` we avoid this sort of situation for all of the global RTS
 locks by acquiring the lock just before the call to `fork()`, and then
 releasing the lock in the parent again and re-initializing the lock in the
 child. But there are no provisions for Haskell-land locks such as the
 above `MVar`.

 In principle we can work around this problem entirely in user-land. Here
 is a modified version of Michael's code that does not deadlock (at least,
 it never has in my tests..), that basically takes the same acquire-
 release*2 trick that `forkProcess` does for RTS locks in the lines marked

 import System.Posix.Process (forkProcess, getProcessID)
 import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
 import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
 import System.Posix.Signals (signalProcess, sigKILL)
 import Control.Exception (finally)

 import Control.Concurrent
 import GHC.IO.Handle.Types
 import System.IO

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
     mapM_ spawnChild [1..9]

     ioLock <- lockIO -- (*)
     child <- forkProcess $ do
         unlockIO ioLock -- (*)
         putStrLn "starting child"
         hFlush stdout
         loop "child" 0
     unlockIO ioLock -- (*)

     print ("child pid", child)
     hFlush stdout

     -- I've commented out the "finally" so that the zombie process stays
     -- to prove that it was actually created.
     loop "parent" 0 -- `finally` signalProcess sigKILL child

 spawnChild :: Int -> IO ()
 spawnChild i = do
     _ <- forkIO $ loop ("spawnChild " ++ show i) 0
     return ()

 loop :: String -> Int -> IO ()
 loop msg i = do
     pid <- getProcessID
     print (pid, msg, i)
     hFlush stdout
     threadDelay 1000000
     loop msg (i + 1)


 lockIO :: IO Handle__
 lockIO =
   case stdout of
     FileHandle _ m -> takeMVar m

 unlockIO :: Handle__ -> IO ()
 unlockIO hout =
   case stdout of
     FileHandle _ m -> putMVar m hout

 I guess that _any_ global `MVar` or `TVar` is suspect when using

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9347>
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