[GHC] #9342: Branchless arithmetic operations
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Mon Jul 21 09:12:44 UTC 2014
#9342: Branchless arithmetic operations
Reporter: hvr | Owner:
Type: feature request | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 7.10.1
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.8.3
(CodeGen) | Differential Revisions:
Keywords: | Architecture:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Unknown/Multiple
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Difficulty: Unknown
Test Case: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Related Tickets:
While working on #9281 I noticed sub-optimal code generation for common
arithmetic operations on `Int`. Below are some examples of code
generation, where the branchless versions may be desirable on modern CPUs:
= `abs`
-- base version
absI# :: Int# -> Int#
absI# i# = i'#
!(I# i'#) = abs (I# i#)
-- optimized version
optAbsI# :: Int# -> Int#
optAbsI# i# = (i# `xorI#` nsign) -# nsign
-- nsign = i# <# 0#
nsign = uncheckedIShiftRA# i# (WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS# -# 1#)
results in
testq %r14,%r14
jge _c1Tx
movq %r14,%rbx
negq %rbx
jmp *(%rbp)
movq %r14,%rbx
jmp *(%rbp)
movq %r14,%rax
sarq $63,%rax
movq %r14,%rbx
xorq %rax,%rbx
subq %rax,%rbx
jmp *(%rbp)
= `signum`
sgnI# :: Int# -> Int#
sgnI# i# = i'#
!(I# i'#) = signum (I# i#)
optSgnI# :: Int# -> Int#
optSgnI# x# = (x# ># 0#) -# (x# <# 0#)
testq %r14,%r14
jl _c283
testq %r14,%r14
jne _c28a
xorl %ebx,%ebx
jmp *(%rbp)
movq $-1,%rbx
jmp *(%rbp)
movl $1,%ebx
jmp *(%rbp)
testq %r14,%r14
setl %al
movzbl %al,%eax
testq %r14,%r14
setg %bl
movzbl %bl,%ebx
subq %rax,%rbx
jmp *(%rbp)
= `compare`
cmpI# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
cmpI# x# y# = dataToTag# (compare (I# x#) (I# y#))
-- returns 0, 1 or 2, can be fed to tagToEnum# :: Ordering
optCmpI# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
optCmpI# x# y# = 1# +# (x# ># y#) -# (x# <# y#)
cmpq %rsi,%r14
jl _c25z
cmpq %rsi,%r14
je _c25M
movl $2,%ebx
jmp *(%rbp)
xorl %ebx,%ebx
jmp *(%rbp)
movl $1,%ebx
jmp *(%rbp)
cmpq %rsi,%r14
setl %al
movzbl %al,%eax
movl $1,%ebx
subq %rax,%rbx
cmpq %rsi,%r14
setg %al
movq %rbx,%rcx
movzbl %al,%ebx
addq %rcx,%rbx
jmp *(%rbp)
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9342>
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