[GHC] #7602: Threaded RTS performing badly on recent OS X (10.8?)
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Jan 28 14:27:09 UTC 2014
#7602: Threaded RTS performing badly on recent OS X (10.8?)
Reporter: simonmar | Owner: thoughtpolice
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: highest | Milestone: 7.8.1
Component: Runtime System | Version: 7.7
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: MacOS X | Architecture: x86_64 (amd64)
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Difficulty: Unknown
Test Case: | Blocked By: 7678
Blocking: | Related Tickets:
Comment (by Austin Seipp <austin@…>):
In [changeset:"28b031c506122e28e0230a562a4f6fd3d0256d0c/ghc"]:
#!CommitTicketReference repository="ghc"
Refactor GCTDecl.h, and mitigate #7602 a bit
This basically cleans a lot of GCTDecl up - I found it quite hard to
read and a bit confusing. The changes are mostly cosmetic: better
delineation between the alternative cases and light touchups, and tries
to make every branch as consistent as possible.
However, this patch does have one significant effect: it will ensure
that any LLVM-based compilers will use __thread if they support it.
Before, they would simply always use pthread_getspecific and
pthread_setspecific, which are almost surely even *more* inefficient.
The details are a bit too long and boring to go into here; see #7602.
After talking with Simon, we decided to play it safe - __thread can at
least be optimized by future clang releases even further on OS X if they
choose, and it's safer until we can investigate the pthread
implementation further on Mavericks.
For Linux, the story isn't so bleak if you use Clang (for whatever
reason) - Linux directly writes to `%fs` for __thread slots (while OS X
will perform a load followed by an indirect call.) So it should still be
fairly competitive, speed-wise.
Signed-off-by: Austin Seipp <austin at well-typed.com>
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7602#comment:35>
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