[GHC] #8766: length [Integer] is twice as slow but length [Int] is 10 times faster
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Fri Feb 14 09:00:36 UTC 2014
#8766: length [Integer] is twice as slow but length [Int] is 10 times faster
Reporter: George | Owner:
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.8.1-rc1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture:
Type of failure: Runtime performance bug | Unknown/Multiple
Test Case: | Difficulty: Unknown
Blocking: | Blocked By:
| Related Tickets:
Comment (by nomeata):
hvr, your analysis is a bit misleading:
In GHC 7.6.3 we have
intlen1 :: [Integer]
intlen1 = enumDeltaToInteger intlen4 intlen4 intlen2
intlen :: Int
intlen = case $wlen @ Integer intlen1 0 of ww { __DEFAULT -> I# ww }
and in 7.9 we have
intlen1 :: Int# -> Int
intlen1 = enumDeltaToIntegerFB @ (Int# -> Int) (incLen @ Integer) I#
intlen4 intlen4 intlen2
intlen :: Int
intlen = intlen1 0
Note how the `intlen1` do not directly correspond to each other.
So we have a case of successful list fusion that does ''not'' speed up the
The two `enumDeltaToInteger...` functions (at the end of
source:base/GHC/Enum.lhs) are almost the same; both call auxiliary
functions, the only difference is whether `:` is used, or an explicitly
passed `c`.
I believe the problem is that we are using `enumDeltaToIntegerFB` in a
higher order way (note the `Int# -> Int`), which allocates partial
function applications – basically the same that happens when `foldl` is
implemented with `foldr` (#7994).
The fix for that would to make sure that stuff is inlined far enough for
the `go` from `up_fb` can be visible (as it is for `Int` in comment:1). It
could be related to this comment with `Int` (or not, because inlining does
not even go that far):
{-# INLINE [0] eftIntFB #-}
eftIntFB :: (Int -> r -> r) -> r -> Int# -> Int# -> r
eftIntFB c n x0 y | isTrue# (x0 ># y) = n
| otherwise = go x0
go x = I# x `c` if isTrue# (x ==# y)
then n
else go (x +# 1#)
-- Watch out for y=maxBound; hence ==, not >
-- Be very careful not to have more than one "c"
-- so that when eftInfFB is inlined we can inline
-- whatever is bound to "c"
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8766#comment:6>
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