[GHC] #8774: Transitivity of Auto-Specialization
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Wed Feb 12 17:32:54 UTC 2014
#8774: Transitivity of Auto-Specialization
Reporter: | Owner:
crockeea | Status: new
Type: bug | Milestone:
Priority: | Version: 7.6.3
normal | Operating System: Linux
Component: | Type of failure: Compile-time performance bug
Compiler | Test Case:
Keywords: | Blocking:
Architecture: |
Unknown/Multiple |
Difficulty: |
Unknown |
Blocked By: |
Related Tickets: 5928, |
8668, 8099 |
the docs]:
[Y]ou often don't even need the SPECIALIZE pragma in the first place.
When compiling a module M, GHC's optimiser (with -O) automatically
considers each top-level overloaded function declared in M, and
specialises it for the different types at which it is called in M. The
optimiser also considers each imported INLINABLE overloaded function, and
specialises it for the different types at which it is called in M.
Moreover, given a SPECIALIZE pragma for a function f, GHC will
automatically create specialisations for any type-class-overloaded
functions called by f, if they are in the same module as the SPECIALIZE
pragma, or if they are INLINABLE; and so on, transitively.
So GHC should automatically specialize some/most/all(?) functions marked
`INLINABLE` ''without'' a pragma, and if I use an explicit pragma, the
specialization is transitive. My question is:
is the ''auto''-specialization transitive? Either way, I'd like to see the
docs updated to answer this question.
Specifically, the attached files demonstrate a bug if auto-specialization
''should'' be transitive.
import Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Foo
main =
let y = Bar $ Qux $ U.replicate 11221184 0 :: Foo (Qux Int)
(Bar (Qux ans)) = iterate (plus y) y !! 100
in putStr $ show $ foldl1' (*) ans
module Foo (Qux(..), Foo(..), plus) where
import Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
newtype Qux r = Qux (Vector r)
-- GHC inlines `plus` if I remove the bangs or the Baz constructor
data Foo t = Bar !t
| Baz !t
instance (Num r, Unbox r) => Num (Qux r) where
{-# INLINABLE (+) #-}
(Qux x) + (Qux y) = Qux $ U.zipWith (+) x y
{-# INLINABLE plus #-}
plus :: (Num t) => (Foo t) -> (Foo t) -> (Foo t)
plus (Bar v1) (Bar v2) = Bar $ v1 + v2
GHC specializes the call to `plus`, but does *not* specialize `(+)` in the
`Qux` `Num` instance. (In the attached core excerpt: `main6` calls
`iterate main8`. `main8` is just `plus`, specialized for `Int`. So far so
good. However, `splus` calls the *polymorphic* `c+`. If auto-
specialization is transitive, I expect `c+` to be specialized to `Int`.)
This kills performance: an explicit pragma
`{-# SPECIALIZE plus :: Foo (Qux Int) -> Foo (Qux Int) -> Foo (Qux
Int) #-}`
results in ''transitive'' specialization as the docs indicate, so `(+)` is
specialized and the code is 30x faster.
Is this expected behavior? Should I only expect `(+)` to be specialized
transitively with an explicit pragma?
Note: this question is different from #5928 for two reasons:
1. I believe that no inlining is occuring, and hence I don't think
inlining is interfering with specialization
2. I have `INLINABLE` pragmas on all relevant functions.
Note: this question is different from #8668 because I am asking about
This question was originally posted on
specialization-in-ghc StackOverflow]. As mentioned in the comments of that
question, I am intentionally ''not'' fully applying the call to `plus` in
Main, contrary to the suggestions in #8099. I'd love to see why I'm
getting that behavior as well.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8774>
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