[GHC] #8199: Get rid of HEAP_ALLOCED
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Mon Apr 7 11:31:11 UTC 2014
#8199: Get rid of HEAP_ALLOCED
Reporter: ezyang | Owner: ezyang
Type: feature | Status: new
request | Milestone: 7.10.1
Priority: normal | Version: 7.7
Component: | Keywords:
Compiler | Architecture: Unknown/Multiple
Resolution: | Difficulty: Project (more than a week)
Operating System: | Blocked By: 5435
Unknown/Multiple | Related Tickets:
Type of failure: |
None/Unknown |
Test Case: |
Blocking: |
Comment (by ezyang):
OK, here is the proposed approach. Since we won't have collected all the
static closures in time to place them in the first `CmmGroup` (due to
streaming), we merely have to change the convention so the *last* block
contains the data that needs to be initialized. This might not be ideal
for linker efficiency but it prevents a space leak.
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
index e2a5a07..e9f5668 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
@@ -79,12 +79,6 @@ codeGen dflags this_mod data_tycons
return a
yield cmm
- -- Note [codegen-split-init] the cmm_init block must come
- -- FIRST. This is because when -split-objs is on we need
- -- combine this block with its initialisation routines;
- -- Note [pipeline-split-init].
- ; cg (mkModuleInit cost_centre_info this_mod hpc_info)
; mapM_ (cg . cgTopBinding dflags) stg_binds
-- Put datatype_stuff after code_stuff, because the
@@ -99,6 +93,12 @@ codeGen dflags this_mod data_tycons
mapM_ (cg . cgDataCon) (tyConDataCons tycon)
; mapM_ do_tycon data_tycons
+ -- Note [codegen-split-init] the cmm_init block must come
+ -- FIRST. This is because when -split-objs is on we need
+ -- combine this block with its initialisation routines;
+ -- Note [pipeline-split-init].
+ ; cg (mkModuleInit cost_centre_info this_mod hpc_info)
diff --git a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
index 517ba6c..2f7b847 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
@@ -1313,18 +1313,18 @@ runPhase (RealPhase SplitAs) _input_fn dflags
-- initialisation routine.
-- To that end, we make a DANGEROUS ASSUMPTION here: the data
- -- that needs to be initialised is all in the FIRST split
+ -- that needs to be initialised is all in the LAST split
-- object. See Note [codegen-split-init].
PipeState{maybe_stub_o} <- getPipeState
case maybe_stub_o of
Nothing -> return ()
Just stub_o -> liftIO $ do
- tmp_split_1 <- newTempName dflags osuf
- let split_1 = split_obj 1
- copyFile split_1 tmp_split_1
- removeFile split_1
- joinObjectFiles dflags [tmp_split_1, stub_o] split_1
+ tmp_split_n <- newTempName dflags osuf
+ let split_n = split_obj n
+ copyFile split_n tmp_split_n
+ removeFile split_n
+ joinObjectFiles dflags [tmp_split_n, stub_o] split_n
-- join them into a single .o file
liftIO $ joinObjectFiles dflags (map split_obj [1..n]) output_fn
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
index 26aca2a..97802b4 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
@@ -1670,13 +1670,36 @@ showModuleIndex (i,n) = "[" ++ padded ++ " of " ++
n_str ++ "] "
i_str = show i
padded = replicate (length n_str - length i_str) ' ' ++ i_str
+-- Slightly inefficient, in that it needs to lookahead in order to
+-- determine if it needs to cat the closures on immediatel
+deferStaticClosures :: Monad m =>
+ Either CLabel Module
+ -> Stream m [GenCmmDecl CmmStatics info stmt] b
+ -> [GenCmmDecl CmmStatics info stmt]
+ -> [GenCmmDecl CmmStatics info stmt]
+ -> Stream m [GenCmmDecl CmmStatics info stmt] b
+deferStaticClosures lbl_or_mod str prev !closures = Stream.Stream $ do
+ r <- Stream.runStream str
+ case r of
+ Left x -> do
+ let addLabel starts = mkDataLits StaticClosureInds
(mkStaticClosureIndsLabel lbl_or_mod starts) []
+ return (Right (addLabel True : closures ++ [addLabel False]
++ prev, Stream.Stream (return (Left x))))
+ Right (next, str') -> do
+ let isStaticClosure (CmmData StaticClosures _) = True
+ isStaticClosure (CmmData StaticClosureInds _) = True
+ isStaticClosure _ = False
+ newClosures = filter isStaticClosure next
+ next' = filter (not . isStaticClosure) next
+ closures' = newClosures `seq` (closures ++ newClosures)
+ if null prev
+ then Stream.runStream (deferStaticClosures lbl_or_mod
str' next' closures')
+ else return (Right (prev, deferStaticClosures lbl_or_mod
str' next' closures'))
prepareStaticClosures :: Monad m => Either CLabel Module
-> Stream m [GenCmmDecl CmmStatics info stmt] b -> ForeignStubs
-> (Stream m [GenCmmDecl CmmStatics info stmt] b, ForeignStubs)
prepareStaticClosures lbl_or_mod cmms0 foreign_stubs0 =
- let cmms = addLabel True >> cmms0 >>= (\r -> addLabel False >> return
- addLabel starts =
- Stream.yield [mkDataLits StaticClosureInds
(mkStaticClosureIndsLabel lbl_or_mod starts) []]
+ let cmms = deferStaticClosures lbl_or_mod cmms0 [] []
foreign_stubs = foreign_stubs0 `appendStubC`
tag = case lbl_or_mod of
Left lbl -> text "cmm_" <> ppr lbl
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8199#comment:25>
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