[GHC] #8297: Allow implicit parameters to take a default value

GHC ghc-devs at haskell.org
Sat Sep 14 12:54:51 CEST 2013

#8297: Allow implicit parameters to take a default value
       Reporter:  schyler                     |             Owner:
           Type:  feature request             |            Status:  new
       Priority:  normal                      |         Milestone:  _|_
      Component:  Compiler                    |           Version:
       Keywords:                              |  Operating System:
   Architecture:  Unknown/Multiple            |  Unknown/Multiple
     Difficulty:  Moderate (less than a day)  |   Type of failure:
     Blocked By:                              |  None/Unknown
Related Tickets:                              |         Test Case:
                                              |          Blocking:
 -XImplicitParams is not that useful except as a type hole.

 I had an idea where they could be adjusted to be really useful. Consider a
 function `primes` which uses a wheel sieve.

 -- primes: takes a size of the wheel to use, returns a lazy list of primes
 primes :: Int -> [Int]

 Your average Joe may not be concerned about the technical details of this
 function. Why should he have to bother giving a wheel size? The function
 documentation might say `6` is a good value, but what if some research is
 done in the future and the library maintainer changes it, later deciding
 `7` is better? Joe wants to trust the library maintainer, but doesn't want
 to be burdened by maintaining this arbitrary constant in his code, nor
 does he like having to pass another parameter to primes.

 The type of `primes` could be implemented using an implicit parameter like

 primes -- returns an infinite list of primes
 primes :: (?wheelSize :: Int) -> [Int]

 Joe still has to provide a wheelSize however, and now it's even more
 verbose than before. Wouldn't it be nice if the person who wrote the
 function could define a default value for `wheelSize`? Joe could use
 `primes` by itself in his code, whereas Bob, who runs his code on a very
 powerful server, could tune the performance of his sieve manually by
 explicitly using `primes where wheelSize = 100`.

 My suggestion is to develop a syntax which allows functions to define
 ''default'' values for their implicit parameters. I'm sure the community
 would have some fun coming up with creative uses for this in their

 As an extreme situation, consider the below example;

 -- takes a foo, bar, alpha, beta, gamma and epsilon for performance
 tuning. ouch.

         :: Int
         -> Int
         -> Int
         -> Int
         -> Int
         -> r
 -- f $ aVeryComplexSieveEx 1 2 3 4 ...

         :: SomeCompulsaryRecordConstructor
         -> Int
         -> r
 -- f $ aVeryComplexSieveEx (SomeCompulsaryRecordConstructor { ... }) 3
         :: (?foo :: Int, ?bar :: Int, ?alpha :: Int, ?beta :: Int, ?gamma
 :: Int)
         -> Int
         -> r
 -- f $ let ?alpha = 1337 in aVeryComplexSieveEx 3

 As you can see it would be beneficial for libraries to expose *optional*
 ways for users to tune internal values in this manner, without having to
 pass record constructors with many options or make new functions with
 tiresome numbers of parameters.

Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8297>
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