[GHC] #1600: Optimisation: CPR the results of IO
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Tue Nov 26 09:58:51 UTC 2013
#1600: Optimisation: CPR the results of IO
Reporter: simonmar | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: lowest | Milestone: 7.6.2
Component: Compiler | Version: 6.6.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture: Unknown/Multiple
Type of failure: Runtime | Difficulty: Moderate (less
performance bug | than a day)
Test Case: | Blocked By:
Blocking: | Related Tickets:
Comment (by nomeata):
Analysing the `typecheck` divergence yields a very interesting example of
how nested CPR can go wrong, which I’d like to document here.
It completely wreak havoc with this innocent function:
repeat :: x -> [x]
repeat x = x : repeat x
(This requires nesting of sum types, but just imagine for this example
that `[]` was a stream data type with only one constructor, if you want).
The analyizer figurs out that its demand signature is `DmdType
<L,U>tm2(d,tm2(d,tm2(d,d)))`, i.e. it lazily uses its argument and will,
with guaranteed convergence, produce a `:` constructor, and evaluating the
second parameter thereof will also converge to a `:`, and so on. The
signature could actually be infinite; my code cuts them off a a certain
depth. This signature is certainly correct.
So it seems this is eligible to a worker-wrapper-transformation. But when
we do it we end up with (using non-core patterns for clarity):
$wrepeat :: x -> (# a, a, a, [a] #)
$wrepeat x = case x : repeat x of (x1:x2:x3:r) -> (# x1, x2, x3, r#)
repeat x :: -> [x]
repeat x = case $wrepeat x of (# x1, x2, x3, r#) -> (x1:x2:x3:r)
and now this diverges.
I’m not entirely sure who is at fault here. Since the analysis yields a
correct result, most likely the w/w transformation. But that does not seem
to have enough information to prevent this. Needs more thinking.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/1600#comment:20>
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