[GHC] #8503: New GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving check still isn't permissive enough
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Fri Nov 22 12:16:50 UTC 2013
#8503: New GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving check still isn't permissive enough
Reporter: goldfire | Owner: goldfire
Type: bug | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.7
Resolution: | Keywords:
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Architecture: Unknown/Multiple
Type of failure: None/Unknown | Difficulty: Unknown
Test Case: | Blocked By: 8548
Blocking: | Related Tickets: #8541
Comment (by nomeata):
Replying to [comment:9 goldfire]:
> Hold the phone! There is an easier solution to the original problem!
> \[..\]
> Thoughts? Is this a good plan? We could always, as a first pass,
implement GND in terms of `Coercible` and fail if there are any unsolved
constraints, working for `C Age` above but not `C (List a)`.
I’ve been trying to get your attempt to work. It works for a lot of easy
cases, and it works in theory, but there is an implementational difficulty
with extra type variables in the instance. Consider:
import GHC.Exts
class Cls a where meth :: a
newtype Id m = Id m deriving Cls
The instance we want to generate is
instance forall m. Cls m => Cls (Id m) where
meth = coerce (meth :: m) :: Id m
But that will require `ScopedTypeVariables`. Question one: Can I generate
code at `TcGenDeriv` stage that uses scoped type variables, without
requiring that extension to be enabled in the whole module?
Next problem: Currently the code produces
==================== Derived instances ====================
Derived instances:
instance T3423.Cls m_ayI => T3423.Cls (T3423.Id m_ayI) where
= GHC.Prim.coerce (T3423.meth :: m_ayI) :: T3423.Id m_ayI
so there is no `forall` in the instance head. For `newtype ... deriving
Cls` it might be possible to add that (although I did not yet find where),
but the user should be able to specify
deriving instance Cls m => Cls (Id m)
without having to add `forall m.`. I’m not sure what to do here.
It would be best if we could generate code that works without having to
specify types in the method definition at all, maybe using something like
`$ClsId = case $superClassDict of D:Cls meth => D:Cls (coerce meth)`, but
I do not see how `$superClassDict` should look like.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8503#comment:35>
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