[GHC] #2850: GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving + TypeFamilies doesn't work
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Thu Nov 21 14:28:42 UTC 2013
#2850: GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving + TypeFamilies doesn't work
Reporter: ajd | Owner:
Type: feature request | Status:
Priority: normal | closed
Component: Compiler | Milestone: 6.12
Resolution: fixed | branch
Operating System: Unknown/Multiple | Version:
Type of failure: None/Unknown | 6.10.1
Test Case: | Keywords:
indexed_types/should_compile/T2850 | Architecture:
Blocking: | Unknown/Multiple
| Difficulty:
| Unknown
| Blocked By:
| Related Tickets:
Comment (by goldfire):
Almost, but not quite, due to the lack of informative roles on
data/newtype instance representation tycons. I do think the fix for #8548
would fix the example in this ticket, but not something like
data family D a
data instance D (Maybe a) = MkDMaybe a
class C (D (Maybe Int)) where ...
newtype instance D [a] = MkDList (D (Maybe a))
deriving instance C (D [Age])
That's all rather confusing, but I ''think'' it should work. And it would
require informative roles on data/newtype instance representation tycons.
These roles are currently all nominal.
Ticket URL: <http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/2850#comment:10>
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