[GHC] #7922: adding direct *.c -> object code (*.o/so/dylib) support to compilation driver
cvs-ghc at haskell.org
Tue May 21 06:41:18 CEST 2013
#7922: adding direct *.c -> object code (*.o/so/dylib) support to compilation
Reporter: carter | Owner:
Type: feature request | Status: infoneeded
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.7
Keywords: | Os: Unknown/Multiple
Architecture: Unknown/Multiple | Failure: None/Unknown
Difficulty: Unknown | Testcase:
Blockedby: | Blocking:
Related: #7904 |
Comment(by carter):
note that while i have llvm 3.4 on my machine, the same steps should work
with any vaguely recent gcc or clang on a late 2011 or newer mac (anything
that has sandybridge or newer)
Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7922#comment:3>
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