[GHC] #7961: Remove restrictions on promoting GADT's
ghc-devs at haskell.org
Wed Jun 5 09:18:27 CEST 2013
#7961: Remove restrictions on promoting GADT's
Reporter: danharaj | Owner:
Type: feature request | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: Compiler | Version: 7.6.3
Keywords: | Os: Unknown/Multiple
Architecture: Unknown/Multiple | Failure: None/Unknown
Difficulty: Unknown | Testcase:
Blockedby: | Blocking:
Related: #6204 |
Changes (by simonpj):
* difficulty: => Unknown
Old description:
> (Also allow the promotion of data types whose kind is not (* -> ... ->
> *))
> I have been using -XDataKinds lately to explore the sorts of dependently
> typed programming that are currently possible in GHC. I am particularly
> interested in DSL's and embedding other languages' type systems into
> Haskell so that GHC can help verify the correctness of the program
> fragments I construct for those languages. From my point of view as an
> end-user, the restrictions on what data get promoted is inconsistent and
> oftentimes annoying to deal with. There are two related issues on my end:
> 1. The restriction that a data type cannot have a kind mentioning a
> promoted kind means that the way I stratify my type machinery impacts
> whether or not GHC will promote everything as I would like.
> 2. The inability to use promoted GADT's forces me to encode relationships
> between my type building blocks in trickier ways, and sometimes I am
> simply unable to come up with an alternative.
> I have found that these issues get in my way as a programmer of modest
> skill. Oftentimes I will explore a particular design but be forced to
> abandon it because my "natural" line of reasoning runs into GHC's
> restrictions. With sufficient cleverness you can do quite a lot of
> impressive stuff with the current system, but I am often not sufficiently
> clever nor am I equipped to determine when something is outright
> ''impossible''.
> Lifting these restriction, from ''my'' point of view, would simplify the
> machinery a great deal and allow me to do type-level programming that is
> currently out of my reach. It would make the kind extensions more uniform
> and more complete to us end-users. #6204 would complete them in another
> way.
New description:
(Also allow the promotion of data types whose kind is not (* -> ... -> *))
I have been using -XDataKinds lately to explore the sorts of dependently
typed programming that are currently possible in GHC. I am particularly
interested in DSL's and embedding other languages' type systems into
Haskell so that GHC can help verify the correctness of the program
fragments I construct for those languages. From my point of view as an
end-user, the restrictions on what data get promoted is inconsistent and
oftentimes annoying to deal with. There are two related issues on my end:
1. The restriction that a data type cannot have a kind mentioning a
promoted kind means that the way I stratify my type machinery impacts
whether or not GHC will promote everything as I would like.
2. The inability to use promoted GADT's forces me to encode relationships
between my type building blocks in trickier ways, and sometimes I am
simply unable to come up with an alternative.
I have found that these issues get in my way as a programmer of modest
skill. Oftentimes I will explore a particular design but be forced to
abandon it because my "natural" line of reasoning runs into GHC's
restrictions. With sufficient cleverness you can do quite a lot of
impressive stuff with the current system, but I am often not sufficiently
clever nor am I equipped to determine when something is outright
Lifting these restriction, from ''my'' point of view, would simplify the
machinery a great deal and allow me to do type-level programming that is
currently out of my reach. It would make the kind extensions more uniform
and more complete to us end-users. #6024 would complete them in another
Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7961#comment:3>
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