[ghc-steering-committee] Secretary of the GHC Steering Committee

Adam Gundry adam at well-typed.com
Wed Jan 17 09:08:19 UTC 2024

Yes, many thanks to Joachim for all your work over the years as secretary!

As Simon mentioned, I'm in principle willing to take on the role, if the 
committee is agreeable. Please do confirm if you're happy with this, or 
say if you'd like to volunteer yourself or propose a different course of 



On 11/01/2024 09:00, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
> Dear GHC Steering Committee
> Joachim's term of membership in the GHC SC comes to an end in March, and 
> he wants to stand down as our Secretary.
> Joachim, you have done a fantastic job as our secretary, nudging us with 
> regular status updates, making sure we hold membership nomination 
> processes, and much more besides.  You have made sure that we function 
> well as a committee, and I for one have leaned heavily on your support. 
> Thank you so much.
> Would anyone else like to be Secretary?  I am delighted to say that Adam 
> is willing to serve, but if anyone else would like to join in or share 
> the role, that would be great too.   Thank you Adam!
> Thanks again Joachim.
> Simon

Adam Gundry, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP, https://www.well-typed.com/

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