[ghc-steering-committee] #526: Applicative Comprehensions (rec: accept)

Simon Marlow marlowsd at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 07:12:10 UTC 2023

Dear committee,

#526 proposes a new extension ApplicativeComprehensions (implying
MonadComprehensions). It would provide the equivalent of the current
ApplicativeDo desugaring for do-expressions to list comprehensions.

   - Github thread <https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/526>
   - Rendered

The extension itself is relatively uncontroversial, but there are some
unresolved quirks in the original ApplicativeDo extension which made us
uneasy about extending it. However, after various discussions I'm going to
propose accepting this proposal in its current state.  Rationale:

   - It doesn't make things worse, and the implementation isn't likely to
   add significant complexity.
   - It retains consistency between ApplicativeDo and
   ApplicativeComprehensions (in contrast to the idea of making
   ApplicativeComprehensions perform a simpler desugaring, which came up
   during the discussion)
   - A future proposal can add a simpler version of the desugaring for both
   extensions later.

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