[ghc-steering-committee] Language Extension Policy – Round 1

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Mon Feb 27 17:30:00 UTC 2023


Am Montag, dem 27.02.2023 um 12:38 +0000 schrieb Richard Eisenberg:
> Does there exist an extension that has no effect beyond the current
> module but is more than a 3 on the G scale? Maybe it's OK if the
> answer is "no", but somehow G and H do not seem fully orthogonal.

Hmm, maybe runST (if it were a language extension) might be an example
for something that would be very new (imperative features in pure
code), but not visible to downstream users.

FFI could be another one.

> Also: the questions in my original list were all constructed so that
> a higher score would, all else being equal, suggest inclusion as a
> default extension. I think G is similarly set up. But H is not.
> Again, that's probably OK, but I wanted to raise the point for others
> to consider as well.

Oh, yes, probably!


Joachim Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.de

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