[ghc-steering-committee] #512: NoFieldSelectors as datatype annotation, Recommendation: reject

Adam Gundry adam at well-typed.com
Wed Nov 30 21:18:35 UTC 2022

On 30/11/2022 20:37, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Mittwoch, dem 30.11.2022 um 19:28 +0000 schrieb Adam Gundry:
>> What do you think?
> my initial feeling about `language … where …` is that it is a modifer
> of sorts, however
>   * with a syntax that may not scale well (hard to target anything
>     but a whole set of declarations)
>   * looks like it could support any kind of language extension, when
>     it probably doesn’t make sense for all of them.
> so may not gain much over implementing (parts) of the modifier syntax.

Well, I find it hard to imagine really needing to enable an extension 
for anything smaller than a declaration group. On the other hand, I not 
infrequently want to enable particular extensions only for a few 
specific definitions (AllowAmbiguousTypes comes to mind).

As I understand it, modifiers need to be type-checked before they have 
meaning assigned. This presumably means they cannot change the behaviour 
of the parser, whereas an explicit "language ... where ..." construct 
could do so. And I don't think modifiers can scope over a declaration 
group, only a single declaration?

I agree that we wouldn't necessarily support *all* language extensions 
locally, but I think the list for which this fundamentally does not make 
sense is relatively short (the main ones that come to mind are 
import-related extensions such as ExplicitNamespaces). Others might be 
hard to specify/implement (e.g. Safe Haskell seems tricky) but we could 
simply not support them locally.

> ...
> Or we revive local modules, and use that as a then natural way of
> scoping language pragmas…

There's clearly a relationship to local modules, but that seems like 
more complexity than we need for the problem at hand. I don't see why we 
shouldn't add "language ... where ..." now, then potentially later 
support local (or top-level!) modules with

   language Blah where
     module M where

After all, {-# LANGUAGE #-} pragmas violate the principle that pragmas 
shouldn't change semantics. ;-)



Adam Gundry, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP, https://www.well-typed.com/

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