[ghc-steering-committee] Proposal #522: Or patterns. Recommendation: accept

Simon Peyton Jones simon.peytonjones at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 10:57:04 UTC 2022

I'm mildly in favour of acceptance.  One more thing.  But a reasonably easy


On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 at 22:23, Richard Eisenberg <lists at richarde.dev> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been assigned to shepherd Proposal #522, Or patterns.
> Proposal text:
> https://github.com/knothed/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0522-or-patterns.rst
> Proposal discussion:
> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/522
> The proposal introduces a syntax for or-patterns. Here is an example:
> case ... of
>   K1 a b c -> Just ...
>   K2 d e -> Just ...
>   (K3 {} ; K4 {} ; K5 {}) -> Nothing
> *Summary*
> Without this proposal, the author of the above code would have to either
> use a _ pattern for the last line, meaning that future new constructors
> added to the datatype would go unreported by compiler warnings, or to write
> the K3, K4, and K5 cases separately, repeating the right-hand side.
> Or-patterns are common in other languages.
> The authors include a nice section (
> https://github.com/knothed/ghc-proposals/blob/master/proposals/0522-or-patterns.rst#id12)
> on alternative syntax. I recommend reading it; it made me feel better about
> the proposed semi-colon syntax.
> The proposal requires that each pattern in an or-pattern must not bind any
> variables. Any provided contexts (e.g. GADT equalities) and existential
> variables are ignored, and any required context is combined across the
> disjuncts in the pattern.
> Two implementors are named in the proposal.
> *Recommendation*
> I recommend acceptance. This proposal is relatively simple, will lead to a
> nice quality-of-life improvement, is future-compatible (*) with or-patterns
> that *do* bind variables/contexts/existentials, and has a natural reading
> to users unfamiliar with the extension.
> (*): I suppose that the fact that an or-pattern discards equalities might
> mean that a later improvement that retains these equalities might interfere
> with type inference (because in-scope equalities cause type variables to
> become untouchable). But I will choose not to worry about this.
> The downsides are:
>  - Yet another feature to think about, including a new extension name.
>  - Yet another feature to implement and maintain.
> I think the improvements to the language are worth these downsides, though
> I could be convinced otherwise.
> Please let me know what you think about this proposal. I'm hoping to
> accept this proposal in three weeks (a bit longer than my usual timeframe,
> due to it being a popular time for holidays), unless there is objection.
> Thanks!
> Richard
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