[ghc-steering-committee] GHC Steering Committee Status

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Tue Sep 14 08:01:06 UTC 2021

Dear Committee,

I hope you all had a lovely summer, an interesting ICFP and Haskell
Love and other conferences, and are slowly moving back into action.

What has happened since the last status (on July 1st)?

 * Simon suggested a better way to keep tabs on what’s going on. I’ll
   try to keep https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/wiki/Status 
   as up to date as the latest status email.

   I ran out of time today, so I did not yet try to make the format
   tabular and prettier. Sorry, next time!

   But I added a time stamp to each that roughly corresponds to the
   latest state change.

 * Cale has stepped down. Thanks for your contributions!

 * we were asked to review these proposals:
   #319: NoFallibleDo proposal (resubmission)
   #425: Invisible binders in type declarations, Shepherd: Richard

 * we have a recommendation from the shepherd about:

   #390: Fine-grained pragmas (accept)
   #319: NoFallibleDo proposal (reject)

 * we have sent the following proposals back to revision

   #390: Fine-grained pragmas
   #315: NoIncomplete (author wants to revisit)

 * we decided about the following proposals

   none this round?

We currently have to act on the following 9 proposals, same as last

## Waiting for committee decision

#281: Visible 'forall' in types of terms, Shepherd: Richard
      2021-07-19: After still some more discussion, Richard again recommends
      to accept this, answering Simon M’s questions.
      Simon, are you fine with that?

#283: Local modules, Shepherd: Arnaud
      2021-05-20: Arnaud recommends to accepts, and wants more opinions.
      Opinions still sparse. Please give it! 

#302: Lambda expressions with guards and multiple clauses, Shepherd: SPJ
      2021-07-29: Vote done, one open question about pragma design.

#319: NoFallibleDo, Shepherd: Alejandro
      2021-07-23: Rejection recommended
      Committee comments please?

#392: Clarify modifiers design principle (Shepherd: Alejandro)
      2021-07-23: Alejandro asked for more eyes.
      Discussion about grammar and compatibility with #390 open

#409: Exportable named defaults, Shepherd: Eric
      2021-09-10: SPJ wants to have a last look, reminder is set

#412: splice imports, Shepherd: Vladislav
      2021-06-24: Acceptance recommended
      Positive feedback so far, but more discussion
      Shall we accept it, Vladislav?

## Waiting for Shepherd action

#400: Constrained COMPLETE sets, Shepherd: Vladislav
      2021-06-22: Waiting for recommendation.
      Vladislav, time to get active!

#425: Invisible binders in type declarations, Shepherd: Richard
      2021-08-13: Waiting for recommendation.


Joachim Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.de

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