[ghc-steering-committee] #380 GHC2021: Voting starts

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Tue Nov 24 09:34:18 UTC 2020

Dear Committee,

the requested data (hackage and survey) is in, has been aggregated,
cooked, seasoned and is ready for consumption. 116 extensions are
waiting on your assessment, so time to vote!

## Procedure

Please vote by email to this list, in a response to this thread.

I want to make tallying easy and automatic, and my code will consider
an extension Foo voted for if you write "Foo: yes" on its own line.
This means you can include rationales, write "Foo: maybe" and "Foo: no"
to remind yourself and others that about where you are, and you can
safely quote other’s mails. For example, if you write:

---- begin
example ----

Easy ones:

DeriveFooBar: yes
OverloadedBen: no

These ones are tricky:

ImplicitExceptions: yes
  I know nobody likes that one, but I do.

RandomEvaluationOrder: maybe
  Not sure about this one, here is why…

> Richard wrote:
> DependentHaskell: yes
> Rationale: See my thesis

I’m not convinced yet, tell me more, so
DependentHaskell: maybe

---- end example ----

then you have voted for DeriveFooBar and ImplicitExceptions. Only “yes”
matters, “no”, “maybe” and “later” are all ignored.

I will shortly send my first ballot around. Also see the end of this
mail for a copy’n’paste template.

You can update your vote as often as you want. Please always send your
full votes (I will only consider your latest email). I encourage you to
do that early, e.g. maybe start with a mail where you list the obvious
yes and nos, and keep some at maybe and then refine.

The timeline says first votes should be in within two weeks, and then a
bit more to refine. But the earlier the merrier!

The quota is 8. In particular, if everyone votes (and I hope everyone
will), an extension won’t make it this round if 4 don’t include it.

## Data

Please see 
for the data, including explanations. It is intentionally not sorted by
the data, as the choice of ranking function would already be quite

You may want to play around with that data, e.g. sort it by your own
criteria etc. I looked long for an online service where I can upload
the data and allow you to explore it, but then I noticed that that's a
bit stupid, since we all probably can do it best with Haskell.

So I made it easy to load the data into GHCi, see the instructions at
which allow you, for example, to do this

*Main> mapM_ (\E{..} -> Text.Printf.printf "%s: %d\n" ext survey_no) $ take 10 $ reverse $ sortOn (\E{..} -> survey_no) (M.elems exts)
AllowAmbiguousTypes: 195
CPP: 192
IncoherentInstances: 176
Arrows: 156
Strict: 153
ImplicitParams: 147
UndecidableInstances: 144
OverlappingInstances: 144
Unsafe: 139
TemplateHaskell: 137

Of course, if someone wants to upload the data somewhere and share
that, that's also useful.

Let me know if some of this doesn't quite work for you, and should be
improved. Maybe we need a web form instead of mails?

## PS: Blank ballot

To start, you could copy the following into an email

AllowAmbiguousTypes: maybe
ApplicativeDo: maybe
Arrows: maybe
BangPatterns: maybe
BinaryLiterals: maybe
BlockArguments: maybe
CApiFFI: maybe
CPP: maybe
CUSKs: maybe
ConstrainedClassMethods: maybe
ConstraintKinds: maybe
DataKinds: maybe
DatatypeContexts: maybe
DefaultSignatures: maybe
DeriveAnyClass: maybe
DeriveDataTypeable: maybe
DeriveFoldable: maybe
DeriveFunctor: maybe
DeriveGeneric: maybe
DeriveLift: maybe
DeriveTraversable: maybe
DerivingStrategies: maybe
DerivingVia: maybe
DisambiguateRecordFields: maybe
DuplicateRecordFields: maybe
EmptyCase: maybe
EmptyDataDecls: maybe
EmptyDataDeriving: maybe
ExistentialQuantification: maybe
ExplicitForAll: maybe
ExplicitNamespaces: maybe
ExtendedDefaultRules: maybe
FlexibleContexts: maybe
FlexibleInstances: maybe
ForeignFunctionInterface: maybe
FunctionalDependencies: maybe
GADTSyntax: maybe
GADTs: maybe
GHCForeignImportPrim: maybe
GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving: maybe
HexFloatLiterals: maybe
ImplicitParams: maybe
ImportQualifiedPost: maybe
ImpredicativeTypes: maybe
IncoherentInstances: maybe
InstanceSigs: maybe
InterruptibleFFI: maybe
KindSignatures: maybe
LambdaCase: maybe
LexicalNegation: maybe
LiberalTypeSynonyms: maybe
LinearTypes: maybe
MagicHash: maybe
MonadComprehensions: maybe
MonadFailDesugaring: maybe
MonoLocalBinds: maybe
MultiParamTypeClasses: maybe
MultiWayIf: maybe
NPlusKPatterns: maybe
NamedFieldPuns: maybe
NamedWildCards: maybe
NegativeLiterals: maybe
NoImplicitPrelude: maybe
NoMonomorphismRestriction: maybe
NoPatternGuards: maybe
NoTraditionalRecordSyntax: maybe
NondecreasingIndentation: maybe
NullaryTypeClasses: maybe
NumDecimals: maybe
NumericUnderscores: maybe
OverlappingInstances: maybe
OverloadedLabels: maybe
OverloadedLists: maybe
OverloadedStrings: maybe
PackageImports: maybe
ParallelListComp: maybe
PartialTypeSignatures: maybe
PatternSynonyms: maybe
PolyKinds: maybe
PostfixOperators: maybe
QualifiedDo: maybe
QuantifiedConstraints: maybe
QuasiQuotes: maybe
RankNTypes: maybe
RebindableSyntax: maybe
RecordWildCards: maybe
RecursiveDo: maybe
RoleAnnotations: maybe
Safe: maybe
ScopedTypeVariables: maybe
StandaloneDeriving: maybe
StandaloneKindSignatures: maybe
StarIsType: maybe
StaticPointers: maybe
Strict: maybe
StrictData: maybe
TemplateHaskell: maybe
TemplateHaskellQuotes: maybe
TransformListComp: maybe
Trustworthy: maybe
TupleSections: maybe
TypeApplications: maybe
TypeFamilies: maybe
TypeFamilyDependencies: maybe
TypeInType: maybe
TypeOperators: maybe
TypeSynonymInstances: maybe
UnboxedSums: maybe
UnboxedTuples: maybe
UndecidableInstances: maybe
UndecidableSuperClasses: maybe
UnicodeSyntax: maybe
UnliftedFFITypes: maybe
UnliftedNewtypes: maybe
Unsafe: maybe
ViewPatterns: maybe

Joachim Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.de

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