[ghc-steering-committee] We have a nudger!

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Mon Nov 16 08:30:14 UTC 2020

Our GHC proposals process says

  *   A shepherd will make a recommendation within 2 weeks
  *   Committee will make a decision with 4 weeks after that
But we sometimes drop the ball and we have no recovery mechanism, which isn't really fair on authors.
At our ICFP meeting we decided to appoint a "Nudger" to watch the timetable (weekly perhaps) give the shepherds a polite nudge.  If successive nudges don't work (e.g. perhaps a committee member has been overtaken by an emergency) then s/he can alert the Secretary to appoint a new shepherd.
I'm happy to say that Tom Harding has agreed to act as our Nudger, for  six-month term.  Thank you Tom!  You may want to check with Joachim about exactly what's in flight.
Shepherds: note that it's fine to have an active dialogue with the author about content, before making your recommendation.  That might take longer than 2 weeks, but make sure the author knows that is what you are doing.
Thanks Tom!
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